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Namjoon paced back and forth as he kept glancing down at the clock on his wrist. His head lifted, the second he heard Jimin's voice.

"Look what I found." Jimin grinned as he shook the necklace in the air.

"Don't tell me—"

"No, I didn't swallow the necklace Namjoon. I lied to you just so that you wouldn't freak out when I'd tell you we lost it."

"Oh." Namjoon let out a sigh of relief, before both of his eyes widened. "You lost the necklace?!"

Jimin nervously laughed as he took a step towards his friend. "That's all in the past now, right?"

"The auction will begin in two minutes!" A man wearing a black suit loudly announced.

"Let's go!" Jimin grabbed onto Kara and Namjoon's wrists, dragging them towards the tables. "I should auction the necklace." He looked at the other two.

"No Jimin, you've done enough." Namjoon stepped in. "Let me do it."

"No one's gonna buy a necklace from you." Jimin looked him up and down.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Namjoon scoffed.

"Guys!" Kara yelled, gaining their attention. "I'll do the auction."

"W-What?" Jimin slightly chuckled.

"It's known that people will pay higher for jewelry, when a woman is seen wearing it." She crossed her arms.

"Kara's right." Namjoon pursed his lips together as he nodded. "Jimin, hand over the necklace to Kara."


"Okay, okay." He placed the necklace in her hand and looked up into her eyes. "You've got this." He tried to smile.

The corners of her lips rose as she took a step closer to him. "I know you're scared Jimin. None of us can even be sure the necklace is worth anything. But we have to try, okay?"

He quietly sighed and gave a quick nod. "I'm sorry for not believing you—"

She suddenly grabbed his face, and pressed a harsh kiss against his lips. "No time for apologies, I gotta go!" Kara let go of him, before making her way to the front.

Jimin and Namjoon sat beside each other at their designated table. The line was decently long, and many people had their prized belongings in their hands, ready to take home as much money as they can. Jimin was still nervous. Imagine traveling to Paris, just to find out that the necklace isn't worth anything. He would go back to being a nobody.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." A man spoke into the microphone. "I'm glad to be present all of these beautiful pieces to be auctioned tonight. We have people from across the world with us today, and we welcome them."

"As usual, ladies will be presenting their items first, and then the males will get a change to go." The guy continued to say. "May we wish you the best of luck, and let the auction begin."

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