3. Rebuilding Berk

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When Eret had run out of blankets, he made his way back to Aria for more. "Another load, Ms. Haddock," he asked charmingly, holding out his arms.

Aria was quite annoyed by his persistence, but if he was handing out blankets, at least he wasn't bothering her. So she gave Eret another big stack and sent him off.

Soon after, she was approached by her brother. "How's the supply?" He asked her.

"Plentiful," Aria responded shortly.

Hiccup gave her a sideways glance. Noticing the look of irritation on her face, he sighed. "You know, he's just trying to prove that he's changed," Hiccup told her.

When she realized how obvious her mood was, Aria blushed in embarrassment. She handed out the last blanket and sighed. "He's a dragon trapper, Hiccup," she reminded him with a defeated look in her eyes, "the things he's done, are not forgivable. But all you see is that he's sorry; 'sorry' doesn't fix what his people did."

Hiccup knew that his sister wasn't trying to be rude, she was speaking the truth. He'd always been more forgiving than the rest, whereas Aria had aquired their father's strength in holding grudges. "I know," Hiccup replied, frowning almost in pity, "I'm sorry..what happened with Midnight--"

"Don't," Aria stopped him, "I'd rather not talk about that. Ever." With a deep breath, she wrapped her brother into a hug and huffed, "it annoys me how good you are sometimes."

Hiccup chuckled as he hugged her back. Then, the two parted to find places to sleep. Aria, wanting to be alone, walked up a tall hill away from most people and set up her makeshift bed there. For a while she sat in the grass, staring up at the stars in wonder. Until she heard foot steps approaching and prepared herself to talk.

"Beautiful sky you have out here," Eret's spoke in admiration.

Aria turned just in time to see him sit down beside her a good two feet away. Closing her eyes for a moment, she tried to remain calm. "Why won't you stop?" She asked him.

Eret's face suddenly became serious. "Because you won't stop," he told her, "yes, I used to trap and sell dragons, everyone here knows that...but you're the only one who won't accept; I am not a dragon trapper..not anymore."

Shocked by his sincerity, Aria looked away.

"I was destined to follow in my father's footsteps from the day I was born," Eret went on, "so I never questioned what was right or wrong, I didn't have the luxury of my own opinion. Instead, I asked myself, 'what would dad do?'" He paused for a moment when Aria finally met his eyes, captured by the way they glistened with the moon. "When your brother came along, I finally had a choice," he told her, "and I chose what was right."

Aria wasn't sure what to say, so she didn't. She stared into his face, searching his eyes for deception, but there was none. After a moment, Eret stood. "I only wanted to tell you that," he sighed, "I'll let you sleep now." Then, he left.

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Over the next month, Hiccup's new plans for Berk were launched, and progress was going swell. The ice had all been removed from the island, thanks to the fire-breathing dragons. Already, buildings were being put up, and Berk was finally starting to look like a village again.

Aria had been working constantly, barely taking breaks for food or sleep. Needless to say, she didn't do much talking to anyone in this time, and Eret had finally decided to leave her alone. But after a month of hard work, even Aria had to take a break.

"Woah, look who decided to show up for breakfast," Astrid teased as Aria walked into the newly-built Great Hall.

With a tired grin, Aria sat down with her friends, before even realizing that Eret was there as well. The two exchanged an awkward eye contact, then Aria opened her mouth, "seems like you're settling in well."

Eret nodded, unsure where she was going to take this. Finally, Aria spoke again, a small smile on her lips, "I'm glad." Eret's face immediately lit up.

Aria then proceeded to eat with the others. "Hiccup said we're way ahead of schedule," Fishlegs told the group.

"Well, we have way more dragons to help," Aria pointed out.

"Yeah, and way more places to build things," Tuffnut also added.

Astrid gave him a look and inquired, "you mean like..where we used to have buildings?"

"Exactly!" Tuff responded confidently.

Snotlout rolled his eyes dramatically and muttered, "mutton head."

After eating, Aria left the Great Hall to go back to where she was building her own hut. But when she was half-way there, a voice shouted from behind her, "hey, wait!"

Aria turned around to find Eret running after her. When he caught up to her, he walked by her side as confident as ever. "Where've you been lately?" He asked, "I hardly even saw you after the first day here."

"I've been working," Aria replied, then went on with a bit of a laugh, "and I get pretty deep into my work, when I have it."

Eret was immediately caught by her small laugh, and it making him smile.

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