4. Memories

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"You shouldn't work yourself too hard," Eret told Aria as they neared the foundation of what would soon be her home.

"I appreciate the concern," Aria responded, still not entirely comfortable with being kind to an ex-dragon trapper, "but I know my limits."

"You haven't been very hungry lately, have you," Eret asked with a knowing look on his face. Aria froze for a moment before picking up a nail and hammer. She didn't respond. "Means your body's gone into survival mode," Eret explained, "it's a dangerously delicate state."

"Then what would you suggest I do?" Aria questioned with a sigh.

Eret handed her another nail as she finished with her first one. "Eat more, sleep better," he paused for a momemt then emphasized with a knowing grin, "don't, work so hard."

She had to admit it, Eret really knew what he was talking about. And for a moment, it actually sounded like he cared about her well being. Aria looked into his eyes, but quickly adverted her gaze when she saw the marks on his chin again. Finally, she spoke. Trying not to sound rude, she suggested, "you should grow a beard, all the men on Berk do."

But Eret saw right through what she was saying. "Oh I've tried, trust me. It doesn't work," he told her with a dry laugh, then went on shamefully, "they'll still be visible."

Aria felt her face heat up; he'd taken that in the exact way she didn't want him to. Even though it was what she meant. "Listen, I-I'm sorry," she responded, "it's just hard to get used to."

"No, I completely understand," Eret spoke with a small smile. When Aria didn't look up, he put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Don't feel bad..I'm sure you're much more fun when your happy."

Unable to stop her lips from turning upwards, Aria grinned a bit. "There we go," Eret encouraged. He then took the hammer carefully out of her hand and ordered cautiously, not wanting to lose this budding friendship, "that's enough hammering for you today. Rest."

Aria watched him walk away. She felt so many emotions in her chest; confusion, hatred, guilt, pain. And yet she was happy, too. Happy to have met Eret. He was kind to her, even when she was cruel to him. And as confident and sure as he always seemed, he still noticed and cared for the little things. So Aria did as she was told and rested.

• • •

Aria was running. Running for her life. Completely out of breath, her legs were barely taking her any further, but she kept going. Until she reached a cliff. With a panicked face, she turned left and ran along the side of the cliff as a low growling erupted from the tree line. Before she knew it, Aria was knocked off of her feet and sent sprawling off the cliffside.

A scream managed to escape her dry throat. But soon she was caught, squeezed brutally in the grasp of a crimson changewing. Within moments, she was dropped back onto the ground before two younger changewings. Aria recognized this behavior as a mother feeding her babies.

One of the young shot it's acid, but Aria dodged it. However, the other one shot just as she moved and coated her bare shoulder. Another blood curdling screeched came from Aria's throat as she fell to her knees. However, through her cry came another noise, a roar much different from a changwing's.

Aria felt a woosh of wind as something jumped over her. A large deadly nadder soon stood protectively between her and the changewings. Aria was encaptured by the dragons scales, metalic navy blue and black, like the sky at midnight. His spikes faded into a beautiful silver color.

The nadder whipped out his tail and tried to attack the young changewings. The mother, however, quickly got between them. Knowing she wouldn't win in a battle against such a massive nadder the mother fled with her babies. And massive he sure was, twice the size of an average adult nadder.

Now the dragon turned to Aria, who sat on the ground trembling in fear; was this dragon going to try to eat her, too? He looked at her arm, still slick with acid, and took flight, grabbing Aria in his talons. But this dragon was much more gentle. She found herself soon being dipped into a lake. The cold water washed the acid from her skin and cooled her burn. When the dragon let her go, she plopped all the way underwater.

Bringing her head back to the surface, Aria found that the nadder, too, was submerged, flapping his wings playfully in the water. She laughed at his behaviour and swam carefully over to him. Wondering if the dragon could be trained, like Astrid's nadder, Aria held out her hand to the great beast. His scales met her skin deicately.

Aria was thrusted out of sleep, immediately sitting upright and alert. The sun was at an angle, signalling that it was well after noon. She took a deep shakey breath and put a hand to her forehead. Her face was hot and dripping with sweat.

Subconsciously, Aria moved her hand down to her left shoulder. Under the fabric, it was numb there; it had been for five years.

Marked - An Eret [Son of Eret] Love Story (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now