11. New Found Love

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"Don't be sorry," Aria finally found her voice, smiling up at Eret. Laughing a bit, she made herself more assertive, "don't you dare, be sorry."

Eret chuckled back before speaking his former doubt, "I didn't think you'd ever feel the same way about me."

"I didn't either," Aria admitted, "but when you went missing, I was so worried; I couldn't stop wondering if you were okay. And then we found you.." She paused for a moment, breathless. "..I'd never felt such relief."

Eret's eyes were wide in surprise as he asked sweetly, "you were that worried?"

With a sigh, Aria hugged him around the neck, resting her head on his wrapped chest. "Yes," she confirmed softly, closing her eyes. As Aria listened to his heartbeat, she felt him rest his chin ontop of her head.

All of a sudden, the moonlight was blocked. Eret looked up with a sudden laugh. Curious as to what was so funny, Aria lifted her head as well. Above them, Midnight was peering inside through the unfinished roof. He squawked once then quickly left, as if to give the two their privacy.

Aria and Eret shared a laugh, their foreheads meeting once again. Nothing else was said, until Eret left for the night. They bid eachother goodnight and shared one final, sweet kiss, then went to their seperate homes to sleep.

• • •

A few weeks had gone by since Aria and Eret's new found love. And keeping it secret was becoming harder as they began to spend more time together. Aria, having finished her home, was working with Hiccup on his when he brought it up. "So, sis," he began, shooting her a sideways grin, "anything interesting going on in your life?"

Aria was caught off guard by the question. Trying her hardest to act like nothing was up, she replied slyly, "you mean, besides the recent war and rebuilding our entire village?"

Hiccup laughed a bit and set down his hammer. "You've been spending a lot of time with Eret," Hiccup clarified, walking over to his sister, "and I know what a hidden relationship looks like; that was me and Astrid for a while, remember?"

Feeling her heart jump and her face heat up, Aria sighed in defeat, "..maybe."

"I knew it," Hiccup spoke with a laugh. When he saw his sister's embarrassment, he went on, "I won't tell anyone, I just want you to tell me. As your chief, and your brother, I deserve that much."

Aria rolled her eyes and gave Hiccup a playful glare as she warned, "don't pull the 'chief' card; I'm still older, remember? But, yes..Eret and I, are...testing the waters."

Hiccup smiled wide and hugged Aria. He then stated in amusement, "you know, mom's gonna be pleased when she finds out."

With a giggled, Aria hugged her brother back before they released eachother. "I'm sure she is. She seemed to know it was happening before even I did."

"Know what was happening?" Eret asked as he came over to the siblings.

"Um..nothing," Aria tried to hide the conversation she'd been having with her brother. But Eret raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, showing that he wasn't buying that. "Hiccup, here, figured us out," Aria admitted, punching the chief playfully.

Eret smiled a bit nervously at Hiccup and rubbed the back of his neck. "O-oh," he responded, averting his usually-confident gaze.

"Don't worry," Hiccup assured the older man with an amused grin, "I'm glad it's you who's earned her heart."

Relief visibly washed over the ex-trapper's face. He smiled genuinely and gave Hiccup a curt head bow, expressing his gratitude, "thank you."

Hiccup watched his sister eagerly walk up to Eret and take his hand. The love in her eyes was as clear as crystal; the same look that Astrid would often give him. He was happy that his sister had finally found someone to share her heart with.

• • •

It had been three months since the rebuilding of Berk had begun, and it was finally looking like a village again. Astrid was named the new leader of the dragon riders, and this day would be their first day back to training. Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins, Eret, and Aria had all gathered with their dragons at the sea stacks. There, Astrid began her instruction. "Now, we haven't been doing much training since the Drago incident, so it's expected for you to be a bit rusty," she began.

"Hah, the Snot doesn't get, 'rusty,'" Snotlout boasted confidently, lifting his chin with pride.

Astrid crossed her arms and recoiled, "then perhaps you'd like to demonstrate?"

Snotlout immediately backed out and scoffed, "well, no, you're supposed to be the teacher now."

"Exactly," Astrid retorted with a smirk, "now listen up." Soon everyone was in the air going over basic flying formations. Due to Midnight's size, she was always either the lead or the caboose, not being able to fit anywhere in the middle. And for Aria, being back on the metallic back of Midnight was like a dream in itself.

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