20. Grimmel the Grisly

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"And you're sure it was a night fury?" Hiccup asked in excitement. The sun was up by now at Eret and Aria told the chief what they saw.

"Yes, but white," Aria explained, "she was beautiful! Oh, brother, I wish you could've seen."

Hiccup chuckled at his sister's enthusiasm, then turned to Toothless who stood by his side. "Hear that, bud? You're not the only one after all."

Toothless let out a joyous squawk and began jumping around restlessly. He looked toward the forest eagerly, then back to his rider. Hiccup sighed and grinned, "well, I guess we're not waiting any longer." He mounted Toothless and the dragon immediately took off.

Laughing as her brother struggled to steady Toothless, Aria leaned into Eret. "What a morning," she sighed, yawning tiredly as her betrothed hugged her back against his chest.

He peered over her shoulder and into her face, "you are tired." Aria rolled her eyes and finally let him win. He chuckled lightly and pecked her cheek, then walked her to the chief's hut before going to his own. It had been a long night, ending with an eventful dawn, and they both needed their rest.

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Aria woke back up to the sound of Hiccup entering the hut hours later. She lifted her head and found him walking into your room, a grave look on his face. She frowned and yawned, "what's wrong?"

He held something in his hand, something long and thin, like a needle. Then she realized, it was some sort of dart. Why did he have that? And where did he get it from? "We might have a problem," Hiccup responded with a sigh, holding the Dart out to his sister.

Aria took the sharp object into her hand as she sat up. She rolled it in her fingers, examining the purple liquid inside of the capsule. Hiccup was right; this definitely looked like a problem.

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"Are you sure you're okay with doing this?" Eret asked his betrothed, putting a gentle hand on her arm, "you could always take Midnight, disappear for a bit."

Aria frowned and spoke defiantly, "I'm not going to run from a battle." She sighed and put her hand over his, "Eret, I know it's dangerous, but I've survived worse. I'm a tough girl."

Eret gave her a weak smile and laughed, "trust me, I know you are...I just don't want to lose you, if something goes wrong.."

"I don't want to lose you, either," Aria told him, giving his cheek a quick peck, "but I know I won't."

Eret finally relaxed a bit, sighing and pulling her into a hug. "Look what you've done to me," he teased her, "making me all soft; you know, I used to be feared, a Viking no one dared mess with."

Aria giggled against his chest and turned her head upwards. She met Eret's eyes and kissed him. He gladly returned it, putting a cold hand on her neck as he did. When they pulled apart, it was time. Aria went into her hut to get ready for Grimmel's arrival.

Ruff and Tuff had spotted him coming in by chance and warned their chief. So, having the upper hand, they prepared for what they could in such short notice. Aria had evacuated many of the younger children, just in case a battle broke out. All of the other Vikings sat in their homes, candles out and weapons in hand, ready for the worst.

Eret and Valka gathered the other riders to hide out around Hiccup and Aria's home. Except for Fishlegs, who had a much more important part to play. The siblings began to do little things around the house, just to pass the time; they knew Grimmel would be there soon. And within the hour, the front door creaked open.

Everything was going as planned when the riders sprung into action. Unfortunately, they'd no idea that the night fury murderer would be travelling with a pack of death grippers. It was a species quite foreign to the Berkians, and they had no idea how to fight them off.

By the time Grimmel and his dragon slaves had vanished, Berk was ablaze. Soon, everyone was in the Great Hall, demanding answers as to what they should do next.

Aria stood between Hiccup and Eret as he brother began to answer questions. However, their roles switched over time, and Aria began to answer the question while Hiccup fell silent in thought.

Noticing this, Valka placed her hand on her son's shoulder, peering into his face to question, "what are you thinking?"

Hiccup hesitated. He looked into Valka's eyes, almost shamefully, then adverted his gaze once again. The villagers started to quiet down. "We need to leave this island," he muttered.

Although his voice was quiet, everyone heard. There was complete silence for but a moment, then the shouting returned, twice as loudly as before.

"For the safety, of all of our dragon," Hiccup spoke over the villagers, "I know, it's not a desirable choice, but it's the only way to save us." He stopped fir a moment and glanced at Aria for a split second, "my father..he used to tell me and my sister, about a hidden world..."

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