14. Forever

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Leaning up and forward, Aria pecked Eret on the lips. She then removed her heavy, wool dress, leaving her in brown leggings and a thick matching bust-wrap. The scar on her shoulder was completely out in the open. Eret took both of her hands into his own and reminded her, "it's just a scar." He planted a kiss on her forehead and went on, "I'll never love you any less."

Aria's heart fluttered at his words. But also, seeing that he was completed unguarded, she took her shot to mess with him. Quickly, she pushed him to the side, making him fall into the pool with a big splash. When his head came back up, Eret found Aria laughed hysterically. With a devilish grin, he splashed a wave of warm water onto her.

Soon, they where both in the deep pool, splashing each other and playing around. As the stars began to light up the sky one by one, the two settled down. Eret sat on the edge of the pool while Aria floated on her back, admiring the stars. But all he could do was admire her. Her long brown hair flowing delicately in the water, the moon reflecting in her eyes; he knew that she was all he'd ever want.

After a long, peaceful silence, Aria swam over to Eret and climbed out to sit beside him. Their legs rested in the warm water as she leaned against his side. "It's getting late," Aria admitted sadly.

Eret felt his heart jump as he responded nervously, "i-it's not that late." He stood up and helped Aria to as well. "Let's go back to the beach and dry off for a bit," he suggested.

With a sweet smile, Aria grabbed her dress and agreed. Their walk through the woods was much quieter than it had been before, but not in an uncomfortable way. When they reached the sandy shore of the island, Skullcrusher way sleeping while Midnight stared out at the horizon.

"Hey, Midnight," Aria greeted the dragon, softly stroking his chin, "think you could light us up a fire?"

Eret dropped the pile of logs and sticks he'd collected on the walk back. With a quiet gurgle, Midnight shot the wood with a single spark. A fire immediately ignited. "Never seen a move like that before," Eret complimented.

"He doesn't act like it, but Midnight's a very old dragon," Aria reminded Eret as they stood together by the fire, "he's picked up a few secret talents in his lifetime."

"Right," Eret responded shortly, sounding somewhat distant.

Giving him a sideways glance, Aria asked, "are you alright?"

Eret smiled down at her and replied sincerely, "I've never been better, Aria." He looked away for a moment, then went on, "you know, there's another reason I brought you here."

Aria cocked her head curiously, her eyes encouraging him to go on. Eret rubbed the back of his neck before continuing with a shy grin, "I've never felt this strongly for someone before."

"I know how you feel," Aria cooed her relation.

With a deep breath, Eret spoke again. "I brought you here, because it's here that our relationship truly began," Eret explained, taking both of her hands into his, "and I want us to be like this, forever."

Feeling her heart begin to pound, Aria's eyes widened and a smile grew on her lips. "When we leave this place," Eret went on with a nervous, excited grin, "can you promise to stay with me, if I promise to stay with you?"

"Eret.." Aria trailed off.

"Will you come back to Berk with me..as my betrothed?" Eret finally asked, leaning his forehead against Aria's.

He closed his eyes, waiting for a response. And after a moment he heard her breath, "yes."

As if he'd been holding his breath, Eret let out a sigh of relief. Lifting his head from hers, he smiled wide. "You've no idea what an honor this is."

Aria couldn't hold back a joyois laugh as she blushed and wondered shyly, "am I that big of a prize to you?"

Pulling her against him by the waist, Eret leaned down and kissed her with passion and emotion. Their lips moved together in harmony as love seemed to course from one to the other and back again. Eret placed his other hand on Aria's cheek as hers rested on his chest.

When the finally parted, Aria looked at his chest and traced the scar with her index finger. And Eret couldn't look away from her. How was it that just five months ago she couldn't even look at him without hatred in her eyes? Yet now, it was only ever admiration. "I love you, Aria," he spoke softly.

Aria smiled back up at him a cooed, "I love you, too, Eret."

Midnight squawked from his spot by the ocean. He picked up Aria's dress with his jaw and tossed it to her, then Eret's shirt and vest to him. The atricals of clothing landed on their heads, causing Aria to giggle. Letting go of each other, the two began to dress.

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