19. Discovery

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Aria clung to Eret's thick bicep as he walked her to her and Hiccup's hut. But by the time they got their, she wasn't quite ready to let him go. "Is everything alright?" Eret asked her.

With a warm smile, she looked up at him, "of course. I'm just..not tired."

Eret gave her an amused look of surprise. "Is that so?" He then teased on, "you were yawning quite a bit on the fly back."

"Well, that was earlier," Aria told him, "maybe because it's almost morning anyways; I'm just not tired enough to go to sleep."

"Alright, then what do you propose we do?" Eret asked with a sweet smile.

"Hm..go for a walk?" She suggested, "it's been a while since I visited the forest."

Eret began to walk toward the tree line with Aria and spoke smoothly, "then to the forest, we go." She laughed lightly at his playful tone. They walked for a while, into the woods of Berk. But as the trees and brush became thicker, Aria decided to run off. This quickly escalated into a game of chase. Aria giggled joyously as she raced through the familiar forest.

"Oh no you don't," Eret called after her with a smirk. He ran after her, dodging tree branches and boulders. But eventually, he lost her completely. Rolling his eyes, he called with a devious smirk, "alright, come out now and I'll show mercy."

The next thing he knew, Eret felt his back being thrown against the hard trunk of a tree. Aria's lips were immediately on his, causing him to blush madly. His eyes fluttered shut as he returned the kiss gladly. One hand on each of her hips, he held her armoured body against his own. Her body heat sent shocks of warmth through his limbs, and his heart picked up speed.

It was quite rare for Aria to take such control in these situation, there was usually a mutual power feel between their loves for one another. But Eret could sense a new confidence in his betrothed as she held him tightly by the shoulders, not letting him away from the tree. All he could do was submit to the beautiful young woman, and he did so with a willing heart. He'd never felt so much of her emotion at once, and it made him love her even more.

Eret had quite forgotten how strong she was as well, as his back began to pain from being pressed into the tree. But he didn't even care. Aria opened her lips against his and deepened the kiss, just about drivng him mad. And after a lengthy exchange of affection, Aria pulled away with dreamy eyes.

She smiled in amusement at how red Eret's face was, and the expression on it. He looked as if he were in the presence of Odin himself, ready to fall to his knees and worship. Her boosted confidence dying down, Aria felt her own face blush.

Eret grinned smoothly and lidded his eyes lovingly as he cooed, "well, that was new." When Aria let him out of her death-hold, he rolled his shoulders and winced a bit. Aria was about to apologize, but he beat her to it, "don't be sorry, bruises heal; and, can't lie..I kind of liked it."

Not Aria was as bright as a tomato, her eye wide in shock. Eret laughed and kissed her forehead sweetly, "come on, it's time for you to go to bed, Ms. Haddock." Aria didn't complain. Running around in the woods had certainly tired her out. She smiled and took his arm gladly.

But they didn't get far before an odd noise echoed through the trees. Aria and Eret exchanged a look of confusion and seriousness, then changed direction. Aria let go of his arm in order to be more stealthy, flipping down the mask of her armor. Eret did the same, walking with a crouch, ready to pouce if necessary. He stood straight, however, when he heard Aria's sharp intake of air.

Following her gaze, Eret found what looked to be a fallen star in a clearing of the forest. It sparkled white and silver, like nothing he'd ever seem before. Then it struck him, this star had wings, and sky blue eyes. He recognized that face.

"A night fury..!" Aria whispered in awe, as if she'd read his thoughts.

The dragon saw them immediately, her ears picking up on the small sound of Aria's voice. She cocked her head curiously, unsure what kind of dragons she was in the presence of. They had the scales of a deadly nadder and rumblehorn, but were deformed in shape. She growled defensively, but did not fire at them.

The growl was enough to send the two off. Aria and Eret raced back to the village to tell Hiccup. Excitement soared through Aria. Another night fury, and a female. Toothless was going to be so happy. The thought of baby night furies fluttering about Berk made her grin.

Finally, they reached the village once again, out of breath completely. Hiccup happened to see this odd entrance from his window and came outside. He jogged over to the pair and asked in worry and alertness, "what happened?"

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