THREE: he's back

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"Who can hear you cry?

See your dreams all die."

Alyssa was in the expensive car with Pepper. They were on their way to see Tony. The duo had just received news that the billionaire was found and was coming home.

Pepper was so happy she was crying. Alyssa didn't know how she could love the arrogant idiot so much. But, she was glad that he had someone.

Especially Pepper.

The white light blinded Alyssa she she walked down the jet way. It was loud and so open. She could feel her nervousness rise a bit.

What should I say to him? Does he even want me?

Alyssa watched as the helicopter landed on the dark tar mat before powering down. The shrill buzzing sounds grew quieter and quieter. The door opened to reveal Rhodey and several other men. Rhodey and Pepper talked for a hot second until a noise caught my attention.

Pepper's sniffles.

She was crying.

Alyssa looked up at her and lightly squeezed her hand in a calming action.

This was no time to be sad.

A few people shuffled around the duo and Alyssa heard the car pull up from behind her.

Tony, a little more bruised and scruffy but nevertheless happy, came bounding down the ramp.

Alyssa watched him for a moment before hiding behind Pepper a little ways.

"Your eyes are red. What are those? Tears for your long lost boss?" Tony smirked.

"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting." Pepper replied before wiping the forming tears on her sleeve.

"Well, vacation is over."

"Hey kid." Tony said finally greeting the girl.

"Hi." Alyssa said meekly.

She stood firmly placed behind Pepper with her brown eyes peeking out at him.

The sound of scraping pulled Tony's attention away from the girl. A stretcher was coming closer towards them.

"No, no. I'm fine." Tony said.
Alyssa smirked at Tony's commanding attitude.

Man, somebody didn't get his nap.

"Happy," Tony started.

"Yes boss?" Happy asked.

"Let's go." Tony said.

The foursome walked back to the big black car. Pepper got in the back with Alyssa and the two men sat in the front.

"Where to?" Happy asked.

"The hospita-" Pepper started.

"No, I've been gone for three months, the first thing I want is an American hamburger the second..." Tony said.

"Tony.." Pepper started.

Alyssa made a funny and confused look.

What was Pepper talking about and why was Tony suddenly embarrassed?

"It's not what you think, set up a press conference."
"Hogan drive, hamburger first." Tony said.

Pepper's lips turned into a fine line and she glared at the billionaire.

Alyssa turned her attention to the car window. She watched the palm trees as they passed.
The car ride was silent.
As they approached the drive thru. Alyssa laughed.

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