FIFTEEN: New CEO of Stark Industries

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"Is this a joke? What are you thinking?" Pepper shrieked as she walked into the lab.

"What?" Tony asked.

"What are you thinking?" Pepper asked. She let out a soft cough and covered it with her sleeve.

"Hey, I'm thinking I'm busy. And you're angry about something. Do you have the sniffles? I don't want to get sick." Tony asked.

"Did you just donate..."

"Keep your business."

"..our entire modern art collection to the..."

"Boy Scouts of America." Tony responded.

"...Boy Scouts of America?"

"Hey guys, I'm home. School was boring as always." Alyssa's voice echoed around the barran halls until she finally found the people she was looking for.

"Wow, you guys will never know how hard you are to find in this house..."

Pepper and Tony looked around confused. The conversation was interrupted and they just settled on looking at each other. Well glaring, in Pepper's sense.

"Oh, am I interrupting something, I'm sorry." Alyssa said.

"No, you're okay Liz." Pepper gritted still looking at Tony.

"Oh, ok. Well that's good." The girl smiled.

It was silent for a little while until it became to tiring to bear.

"Anyway, It is a worthwhile organisation. I didn't physically check the crates but, basically, yes. And it's not "our" collection, it's my collection. No offence."

"You sold the art collection?" Alyssa questioned.

"Yes, He did." Pepper gritted.

Alyssa gave an annoyed look to Tony and slightly tightened her tiny fist.

"And no, you know what? I think I'm actually entitled to say "our" collection considering the time that I put in, over 10 years, curating that."

"She's right, you know." Alyssa agreed.

"It was a tax write-off. I needed that." Tony muttered in his defense. He continued to play around with the holograms and throwing old blueprints in the metaphorical trash bin barely listening to the two women.

They continued to follow Tony around the lab.

"You know, there's only about 8,011 things that I really need to talk to you about." Pepper muttered.

"Dummy. Hey, stop spacing out." Tony scolded a robot as she continued to walk around the lab.

"Hey, be nice to him. It's been a long day and to be fair, I don't blame him if he's rowdy. Living with you isn't exactly pleasant." Alyssa defended.

"Hey, I feed and clothe you. Without me you're dead." Tony said.

Alyssa snorted and shrugged.

"The Expo is a gigantic waste of time." Pepper said trying to change the conversation.

Alyssa nodded in agreement. Pepper let out a sneeze and Alyssa jumped a little from the loud noise.

"Bless you!" Alyssa gasped.

"I need you to wear a surgical mask until you're feeling better. Is that okay?" Tony asked.

Alyssa glared at him.

"That's rude." Pepper responded.

"There's nothing more important to me than the Expo." Tony said.

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