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A girl laid on a chair just soaking on the midday sun. She has pink shades on and is wearing a blue one-piece swimming suit. Next to her is a red-haired woman aggressively putting on sunblock.

"Chill with the sunscreen Pep, you won't burn instantaneously I promise." The girl smiled.

The red-haired woman glared and proceeded to rub the white substance on the girl's arm.

"Aww Pep, no!" The girl groaned trying to pull her arm free.

"You're gonna burn or get skin cancer or both. Now. Just. Let. Me..." Pepper continued.

The girl jolted in aggravation.

"Ugh, fine!" The girl groaned.

The girl relaxed and slowly pulled open her book. A soft sigh broke the silence and she looked out into the vast horizon. The water was beautiful and blue. Lush green vegetation filled the empty space and were a nice break from the blinding white sand.

"Best summer break ever." The girl smiled. She sank deeper into the chair and took a sip from her fruity drink.

Non-alcoholic of course.

"Where's Tony?" Pepper asked.

The girl rolled her eyes.

"I think he's keeping Mark 3 company up in the lab." The girl shrugged.

"Sometimes, I think he likes his suits more than he likes us.."

Pepper laughed and nodded in agreement.

"You know, I think you're right."

"Well," Alyssa closes her book. "I'm gonna go for a dip."

She pulled the coverall off and skipped down the cobbled steps. She hummed a soft tune and proceeded to stick her feet in the water.

Ahh, perfect temperature.

"Pep, don't you wanna get in. The water feels so great!" The girl called.

"No, I'm perfectly fine right here. I'll watch you though." Pepper responded.

Alyssa shrugged and swam further into the cool, blue water. She wasn't paying much attention when suddenly, a large figure was crashing into the water with her.

She gave out a frightened shriek only to relax when she realized it was just Tony.
Alyssa giggled and splashed the billionaire.

"Don't scare me like that!" She teased.

Tony muttered an apology before turning to look at Pepper.

"Ah, Miss Potts, it's a beautiful day for a swim are you sure you don't want to come in." Tony asked.

Alyssa swore she saw Pepper blush.

"No, Tony. I'm perfectly content right here." Pepper smiled.

The red-head opened her book once more.

Alyssa couldn't believe that it had been over 8 months ago that the Obadiah thing happened. She could have sworn it had been yesterday.

Well, people like to say that time heals all wounds but Alyssa isn't sure.

No, she feels scarred.

Scarred like the sores on her arms from the constant scratching and picking.

Scarred like the constant times Obadiah and the Iron Monger haunts her dreams.

It was slowly getting better for the young Stark though. The teachers moved her up so that she is two years ahead of her peers.

Alyssa doesn't like all of the attention that walking into classes bring though; as if being Tony Stark's daughter was enough, try putting prodigy on that too.

She didn't feel like a prodigy. Alyssa can remember formulas yes, but actually learning no. She wasn't different than her peers. In fact, she didn't want to be.

The girl was born with eidetic memory.

She was already destined to be something great. Bigger than herself alone. She didn't want the responsibility.

It can be more of a curse than a blessing sometimes. Unfortunately, it also has a habit of haunting her dreams from the terrible things in her past.

But, she'll never forget momma. Or the way she smell of roses and freshly baked cookies; or the way her hair flowed in the breeze during those cool Colorado summers. Her sparkling green eyes.

Alyssa wishes she has those eyes.

But, she had Pepper; and Pepper was better than anyone else. She was Alyssa's surrogate mother and a better parent than Tony could ever be.

They are close. Pepper is Alyssa's best friend. In fact, Pepper might be the girl's only friend. Alyssa has a hard time relating to kids her own age, in fact, it usually just makes her anxious.

But I mean, everything does.

It makes it hard to be friends with someone when all you can do is sit and stare at each other. The young girl has a long group of potential friends waiting it's just that the girl wants actual friends. Not the kind that expects you to bring a pony to your birthday party just because you're rich.

Pepper watched the two Starks swim in the water together. It was quite a cute sight. They were playing Marco Polo and Tony was cheating. The girl was oblivious to the foul play but still remained a decent sport.

That is where the two Starks differ. Alyssa was actually a decent human being to be around. She was nice and soft spoken when needed to be, however she isn't afraid to speak her mind.

She's a firecracker, this one.

The only remote flaw that Pepper can find with her is that she tries to hide everything. That girl wants to deal with all of her problems by herself without the help of others.

That will soon bite her in the butt.

"Pepper, will you help me feed the birds." The girl asked.

They were visiting a tropical bird refuge on their trip to Costa Rica. It is beautiful. The hot, humid weather sticks to Alyssa like glue but she didn't care.

She was spending time with the people she loves and that's all that matters.

The girl grinned when a green macaw came up to her outstretched hand and drank the sugary liquid from the cup.

Pepper took the opportunity to photograph it.
However, the highlight of the trip for Pepper and Alyssa was the bird dropping poop on Tony's head.

Pepper snapped a picture and it still hangs in the young girl's room. Tony threatens to take and burn it but Alyssa knows he's bluffing.

He could never hurt her.....

....or so she thought.

RADIATING VIOLET| t. stark ✔️Where stories live. Discover now