TWENTY-SIX: The Ceremony

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"Are you okay?

I'm fine."

"and so I electrocuted the guy." Alyssa smiled.

Coulson watched his niece with growing concern. He nodded during some parts but mostly grimaced at others. Maybe having her around a Stark is too dangerous. Who knows what other trouble could be started.

She had finally recalled her father's absence and dropped her smile a bit.

"Where's Tony?" She asked.

"He's with Fury." Coulson whispered.

Alyssa nodded slightly and an "o" formed on her face.

"Al, do you feel safe here? Do you like Tony?" Coulson asked.

She quickly nodded and took another bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Yah he's great. Sometimes he's a little clueless but other than that, he's the best dad." Alyssa smiled.

Coulson nodded a bit.

"Oh, you won the bet by the way." Alyssa smiled.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Yep." Alyssa sighed. She shook her hands a bit.

"Are you happy about it?" Coulson asked.

The girl quickly nodded and smiled brightly, her ponytail bobbed.

"Oh yes. I'm thrilled. I thought it would never happen." Alyssa smiled.

"It's just, I didn't want to lose the bet." She whispered.

Phil started to laugh and nudge his niece with his elbow.

"You're funny kid." He said.

Alyssa glared at the ground, her face turned bright red.

"You're mean." She growled.

"What? It was a fare bet. Now pay up." He smiled.

Alyssa groaned a bit before filing through her piggy bank. She pulled out five twenties and hesitantly handed them over. Her dark eyes were bright and annoyed.

"I'll take that, thanks!" He smiled.

"Yah sure, whatever."

The duo spent a long time just talking and looking out over the beautiful sea. The blue waters seemed to stretch for miles and Alyssa couldn't help but get entranced by it. The waves gently rippled giving it the effect that the water was sparkling. It was a bowl full of diamonds overlooking a vast horizon.

The sun was slowly setting painting the evening sky in beautiful oranges, pinks, and purples. The air smelt salty as the wind blew. Alyssa gently laid her head on her uncle's shoulder. He would have to go on another mission.

He would leave her again.

The girl didn't know if she could take it.

But it's supposed to be a happy time. The expo was a disaster but it did show her one thing. She doesn't always freeze in emergency situations. That's good to know. How is that boy? Peter is what the woman called him. Why did he stand in front of her? The whole thing is confusing.


Alyssa stood a little ways from her father and Rhodey. Phil was holding her hand and Pepper was slightly to the right of her.

Rhodey and her father are getting recognized for saving Queens from that drone attack a few days ago. Alyssa still shudders at the thought. The nightmares are back. She can't help but cringe as they come crawling back to her.

They villains are dead but, they still live in Alyssa's mind. They still can dig their whips and blasters into Alyssa's throat and skull. She doesn't get more than 3 hours of sleep a day on most occasions.

Washington is crowded but beautiful all the same. Paparazzi gathered around them and Alyssa hid a little ways behind her uncle. She didn't want to see them. The girl knows she would be interviewed.

Why can't people just get a life?

"It is my honour to be here today to present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes and Mr Tony Stark, who is, of course, a national treasure." Stern stated as he pulled out two silver metals. He first pinned one to Rhodey's shirt. 

"Thank you Lieutenant Colonel, for such and exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this." Stern smiled.

"Thank you sir." Rhodey stated.

Alyssa smiled a bit and danced on her toes. The black skirt she was wearing was riding up and so she took time to quickly pull it back down.

Stern glared before carefully taking out the next metal. The girl smirked at his annoyed attitude.

"Mr Stark. Thank you for such as exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this." Stern said and pinned the metal on his shirt. The man must have pricked him because Tony winced in pain.

You're right. He did deserve that.

"Ow." He whimpered.

"Oh, sorry. Funny how annoying a little prick can be, isn't it? Let's get a photo." Stern smirked.

Alyssa glared but flashed her teeth when the picture came. Tony put up his hand with the peace symbol. She girl rolled her eyes.

Peace with us? Yah right!

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