TWENTY-TWO: You Owe me a Donut

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"...But inside, you're just a little baby

It's okay to say you've got a weak spot

You don't always have to be on top

Better to be hated

Than loved loved loved for what you're not."

Alyssa shifted in the white cotton sheets in the guest bed. Her sore back was now laced with large, scary-looking, bruises ranging from terrifying purple to sickening green. She couldn't help but think she looks like some purple monster. Happy had to get stitches but apart from that, the blast did minimal damage. The same could not be said for the house. Alyssa has been given a bed at Pepper's house which she had greatly appreciated. Last night had been a blur.

The girl could hardly remember going to the hospital, getting checked out, and set home with instructions to ice the bruising. Alyssa hates the cold so she has opted out of that "option" well, more like demand, but no; it's too cold. She had been allowed to take the day off from school. Understandably since, well, everything hurt and she wouldn't be able to concentrate anyway.

Her grilled cheese sandwich had remained untouched on the night stand. She had no appetite and the pain in her back was making her nauseous. Alyssa put on a brave face when she went to greet Pepper when she got home from work. The red-head had lightly pulled her into a hug.

The girl grunted a bit when she strained to get her arms working. The bruising had been scary enough but now her body complained at every little movement. She blinked a couple of times trying to awaken her still fuzzy brain. All she could do is sleep.

"Liz, honey. What's wrong?" Pepper asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine." She lied.

Pepper took a step closer to the young girl and crossed her arms in front of her chest. She gave out a small sigh.

"You know, you're not that great a liar."

"It's just...Tony. Why would he do something like that? Is it...normal?" Alyssa asked.

Pepper sighed before giving a slight nod. Alyssa  shuddered.

"Never this bad and...with you here. I, well, I thought he would've stopped."

"It never got that bad since I've gotten here. Are you sure everything okay with him?" Alyssa asked.

Pepper sighed wiped away forming tears.

He had been so good.

She thought for sure he would have been over all of it.

"No honey, I'm not. But, you're safe with" Pepper smiled.

"I just...I don't know. I guess I thought I would have been able to change him, maybe..."

Alyssa trailed off avoiding the red head's blue eyes. The brunette took a few rocky steps forward before wincing to sit back into the couch. She was trying to hide her pain.

For Pepper's sake.

"Liz, it's not your fault okay? You did not cause this to happen this it's all Tony."

"But maybe I didn't pull good enough grades or maybe I bothered him too much-" Alyssa stuttered.

"No baby, listen to me, don't do this to yourself. It isn't your fault."

Alyssa looked up to meet Pepper's wide blue eyes. She is the only woman that Alyssa would let call her a pet name.


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