TEN: Shards of Glass

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"Pepper, Tony, Uncle Phil, Rhodey! Somebody Help!" The girl screeched. She slammed her tiny fists against the door.

These left her hands sore and bruised. Her eyes watered in anger and Alyssa started to sob.

"Please, somebody. Anyone." The girl cried. She stopped fighting and turned to sit against the door. Her eyes fell on the glowing arc reactor. It flickered before turning a beautiful blue once more.

She drew her legs into her chest. Alyssa wanted to be in her bed, asleep. Like the rest of the kids in her class. But no, she had to deal with a creepy old dude who wanted to steal her dad's company.

And, th-this thing, a sad knock off of the suit that her father and her spent so long working on, was the only thing to keep her company.

She closed her eyes and leaned in to the cool metal of the door. She sighed.
A few seconds later, Alyssa heard a loud bang.

What was that?

She climbed back up from the ground using the handle for support. She figured it was a good thing since the day couldn't really have gone any worse.

She screamed out once more.

"Pepper, Rhodey, Uncle Phil. Help me!"

It was silent and more tears sprang in the girl's eyes.

"Help me..."The girl whimpered.

Alyssa looked up to see her Uncle, Pepper, and a few agents grinning up at her.

"Uncle Phil!" The girl screamed pulling him into a big bear hug.

"I-I missed you..."

"Yah, Liz...lets go." He said pulling her from the hug.

"Stay with Pepper. I have to deal with something real quick. I'll meet you outside." Phil said patting the young girl's back.

"Are you okay....did he hurt you?" Pepper whimpered in relief.

"I-I'm fine. He didn't hurt me." The girl murmured pulling Pepper in for another tight hug.

"Oh, Liz....I was so worried about you. I don't know what I would have done if something bad were to happen to you." She sobbed. Tears fell into her baby blue eyes.

"Oh, Pep...I'm okay. Don't cry." Alyssa smiled.

"I'm okay."

"Looks like you were right. He was building a suit." An agent said pointing to Mark 1.
"I thought it'd be bigger."

"That's not the suit. That's the suit." Alyssa said pointing to the large Iron Monger hidden in the dark.

It came to life and it's big, blue eyes opened. It started to charge at the group and Pepper screamed.

"Pepper...run!" The girl shrieked taking Pepper's hand.

The agents tried to fire at it but they were just ricocheting off of it. The large suit pushed past the secret agents in pursuit of it's victims. The girl looked back in time to see the Iron Monger a few paces behind her.

Pepper screamed and pulled Alyssa further in her arms.

"Come on!" The girl yelled trying to sprint faster.

The girl squeezed her eyes shut and tried to block out the sounds of bullets and explosions behind her. The sound of her own beating heart echoed in her head.
Just keep breathing.

She didn't open her eyes until cold pierced through her pale skin. They were outside. She could here the subtle sounds of the city on the quiet, brisk night.
Alyssa still clutched Pepper's arm and groaned slightly when she realized that her uncle was nowhere in sight.

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