SIX: Obie & the flu

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Over the next couple of days, Alyssa and Tony would work on the thrusters and stabilizers in the lab. Alyssa was able to successfully keep the secret from Pepper. At least, for now. Pepper was happy that the two Starks were finally getting along.

Tony wouldn't have Alyssa actually help him make the stabilizers but he would have her clean up or fix the robots and Alyssa was content with that.

Every now and then Tony would allow the young girl to see what he was doing. Alyssa would skip down to the lab excited to help Tony. This constant routine was becoming a part of the young girl's life and she liked it. One night, Alyssa fell asleep on the counter. Her sketchbook laid under her head and she had a red colored pencil in her hand. Alyssa's dark ringlets flowed down her back in messy curls. Her dark eyelashes hid her brown orbs and was a nice contrast from her pale skin.

Tony couldn't help but look at the girl as he worked. He thought it was quite intriguing that her outside features did no justice to the snarky ness inside. Her tiny nose crinkled and a soft snore echoed across the room.

Tony was busy working on the hand stabilizers and tried his best to remain quiet. He didn't want to wake the sleeping demon. Then he would have to face the girl's sassy ness.

What am I gonna do when you're a teenager?

It wasn't long before Pepper entered into the lab.

"Tony, Obadiah is-" She stopped in her tracks and smiled.

"-here. Look, how precious is that?" Pepper whispered. She gently walked down the steps and brushed her hand against the girl's plump cheek. Pepper fastened a strand of dark hair behind the girl's ear.

"What was I supposed to do? She came down here and had the audacity to fall asleep." Tony said in a low tone. He was messing with the stabilizer's fastener.

"Tony, you can cut the act. I know you like her at least a little bit." Pepper smiled.

"Ok, so she isn't bad. A nice assistant actually." Tony finished.

"Not what I meant." Pepper said.

Tony shrugged.

"Hey, I thought you were done making weapons." Pepper said.

"I am, this is a flight stabilizer; completely harmless." Tony said.

He put his hand up and was startled when suddenly, a white beam shot out from it crashing into a box of tools. They clattered and the young girl jumped and fell out of the chair.

"I'm up!" She muttered and then groaned when she realized she was on the floor.

"Well, I was not expecting that." Tony said.

"Wha-what happened?" The girl asked rubbing her sore head.

"Tony being an idiot." Pepper muttered.

"Okay, what else is new." The girl smiled.

"Come on kid, let's go upstairs." Tony said.

Alyssa sighed before pushing herself up.
"There's pizza!" Pepper sang.

The girl skipped up the stairs faster leaving a laughing Pepper behind.
The sound of a gentle piano medley filled the air as Alyssa skipped up the stairs. It was beautiful and reminded Alyssa of momma.

She played the piano.

The girl could play the song momma taught her easily. She couldn't help but sigh when Obie got up from the piano and turned to look at Tony. The ice clinked in the glass when he stood.

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