Flirting With The Enemy (Josh Anderson x Reader)

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Josh didn't want you to go to the Dallas at Columbus game because he didn't want you anywhere near Tyler Seguin. He knew that you found him seriously hot and really didn't want the two of you to meet.

But, you were sure as hell not going to miss your boyfriend's game, and the fact that Tyler was going to be there was just an added bonus that you couldn't pass up, so you were going to the game.

And, well, you knew your way around the arena and security knew you, so it was probably too easy for you to meet the Stars.

You went before the game, during their morning practice when you thought that Josh wouldn't see or know, since it was the Star's practice after all. It wasn't that you were doing it behind his back, it was that you knew that Josh had a dark side which was brought out by jealousy and you didn't want to see that Dark Josh emerge just because you wanted to meet a different player.

So, you went during the Star's morning practice. There was a handful of people sitting in the stands. You sat down near where you knew they would walk off the ice, and when the Stars came off the ice, you couldn't stop yourself.

"Tyler, can I ask you a question?"

He was the last one off the ice and there wasn't really any people around and he had the time, so he smiled and looked up at you. "Why not? Shoot."

You smiled, not really expecting him to say yes.

"How do you feel about being named the hottest guy in the NHL?" The words coming out of your mouth before you can stop them.

Tyler smirked. "Pretty good since I know I have girls like you in the stands."

You felt yourself blush at his words and he sent you a wink before walking off, leaving you to sit there in the stands basking in what had just happened.

There was, however, a small problem.

Josh had seen the whole encounter. Even after everything unfolded, you still weren't sure how he knew, but what mattered was that he did know. So, that night, during the game, Josh had a bone to pick with Tyler Seguin.

Josh was a rough player to start with, but he played rougher that night, hitting Stars players more than necessary, hitting Seguin more than necessary. But, the moment he tripped Seguin, your heart started to beat faster. Seguin pushed himself off the ice and immediately went after Josh, which was exactly what Josh wanted.

You gripped your water bottle tightly as you watched the fight on the jumboscreen. You could see the punches Josh was landing on Seguin and eventually Seguin went down, pulling Josh down on top of him, where he landed another punch before the refs came over and pulled him off.

You didn't understand why Josh was acting like that, but you had a sick feeling in your stomach.

When the game was over, you quickly grabbed your purse and headed down to the locker room to see your boyfriend. You stood in the hall as you waited for your boyfriend. A few players came out before Josh came out. He looked tense and his eyes were hardened.

"What happened out there?" You asked softly. You had intended to ask a little more harshly, but after seeing the way he looked, you couldn't.

Josh shrugged his shoulders. "You're mine and I don't want near you."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "What?"

Josh sighed and looked down. "I know you went to see him today. I know. And I didn't like it so—"

"So you beat him out of jealousy?" You finished for him.

Josh shrugged again. "Don't be mad?"

It was your turn to sigh. "I'm not mad."

Josh looked up, surprised. "You're not?"

You smiled at him. "It's kinda nice to know that you'd kick someone's ass to protect me or whatever."

Josh smiled and wrapped his arm around you. "I will kick anyone and everyone's ass to protect you. I promise."

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