Dating Sebastian Aho Would Include

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Soft, precious, adorable.

But don't mistake his softness for submission though. This boy is not submissive. He's all sweet and cute in public but not in the bedroom, that's a promise.

He's such a jealous guy, my god. He looks so cute and adorable, but if a guy so much as looks at you, jealous Sepe has been activated.

Constantly has to be touching you, like your back or your thigh.

Turbo is an annoying little shit who likes to drive Sepe crazy, so he'll hug you a little longer than he normally would hug someone and always make sure to compliment you just to see Sepe's frown.

Sepe does not approve.

Going to literally all of his home games and wearing his jersey.

He loves it when you wear his jersey. He finds it so fucking hot.

Just wearing his clothes, like stealing his sweaters. He has so much official Canes gear, he probably has a whole closet of Canes shirts and sweaters and you totally take advantage of that, and he absolutely loves seeing you in his clothes.

Constant phone calls/FaceTime/texts when he's away.

The fucker is probably into phone sex.

The quiet, cute ones are always the ones that aren't vanilla.

He loves to cuddle, but he doesn't not like being the little spoon, so you best be ready for actual teddy bear Sebastian Aho because once you're cuddling, he's not letting you up any time soon.

He doesn't post much about you on Instagram because he doesn't use Instagram that much, but his teammates post so many cute videos of the two of you that you guys totally becoming the fans' OTP.

He can't cook, but he tries sometimes, and he always remembers what you order at your favourite restaurants.

He calls you cute pet names, his favourites being in Finnish.

The first time he told you that he loved you, he said it in Finnish so you never knew that he told you until months later when he actually told you in English.

(He talks dirty in Finnish too).

When Sepe gets frustrated or angry or when he's really tried, he reverts back to Finnish, which is really cute; but, you can't understand a word he says.

You totally try to learn Finnish for him, but you absolutely butcher the language. Sepe finds it cute though.

There's only one thing that you can say in Finnish and not fuck it up: I love you.

You guys say "I love you" to each other in Finnish and Turbo rolls his eyes and fake gags because you guys are too cute and extra.

Amazing relationship 10/10 you won't find a better boyfriend than Sebastian Aho.

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