Sex With Sebastian Aho Would Include *Lemon*

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Soft, precious, adorable could be used to describe Sepe. But don't mistake his softness for submission though. This boy is not submissive. He's all sweet and cute in public but not in the bedroom, that's a promise.

He's a fan of foreplay and he's good at it. He loves to spread your legs and eat you out slowly, bringing you to orgasm at his own pace. It feels so good but it's tortuous at the same time because you just want more, want him to pick up the pace.

He likes to take his time with you in general. Drawing out the foreplay and he's a professional athlete so he can last a while.

And he has a fast rebound time.

He's not really vocal when you blow him, but he loves the feeling of your mouth around him.

That being said, Sepe is one for dirty talk. Both in English and Finnish.

You may not know what he's saying in Finnish, but it sounds filthy.

His favourite position is doggy or you bent over anything.

But he also likes it when you ride him, but he's still in charge when you do so. One hand on your hip, the other on your breast as you ride him, him controlling your rhythm.

And the way he looks at you? Drives you fucking crazy.

He probably has a choking kink, or at least likes to have his hand on your throat.

He's a dom and he likes the power. It's always the quiet ones...

Sepe loves to kiss and bites your neck.

He likes to leave marks on your body because it's a way of showing that you're his.

Hot sex to celebrate winning.

Rough sex when he loses and he needs to let out some of his aggression.

He's one for public/semi-public sex, like bending you over the balcony or in a lounge chair on the deck.

Also in the locker room showers after everyone has cleared out after a game or practice.

He's really good with aftercare though. He'll clean you up and make sure you're okay.

And cuddles afterwards. Sepe loves his cuddles, as long as he's the big spoon.

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