You're Here? (Nolan Patrick x Reader)

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"It's going to be cold out so you should bring a coat, like a water repellent kind of coat." Nolan said to you in reference to the upcoming stadium series game against the Penguins. "And a hat. And gloves."

You swallowed and walked over to him where he was bust raiding your closet, looking for the appropriate outdoor gear for you to wear to the game. You had told him that you would go to the game because you knew it was a big deal, but you ended up getting scheduled to work that Saturday and there was no one willing to take your shift and you hadn't found a way to tell him yet.

"Nolan," you said and put your hand on his arm, stopping him from raiding your closet. You were going to be staying with him for the next couple days until he had to leave for Columbus.

Nolan stopped what he was doing and turned to look at you, the smile immediately falling from his lips when he saw your expression. "What?"

You opened and closed your mouth and looked at him and Nolan closed his eyes, his jaw tightening as he turned back away from you. "You're not going to the game, are you?"

"I can't get anyone to take my shift. I'm really sorry." You tried to explain, but Nolan shook his head.

Nolan pulled his arm away from you and walked away, putting space between the two of you. "Did you?"


"Are you even working? Or are you just using it as a reason to not go?" He continued.


"Don't "Nolan" me, (Y/N). You know how much it means to me to have you there! Yet every game I've asked you to go to recently you've said no to or cancelled last minute and..." He trailed off, shaking his head.

"And what?" You asked after a moment.

"Are you planning on breaking up with me? Is that why you don't go to my games anymore?" He asked you quietly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Your eyes went wide immediately and you took a step back in surprise. "What?"

Nolan didn't move. "I'm serious."

You shook your head and took a step towards him, reaching your hand out to touch him. ", no. I would love nothing more than to go stand out in the freezing rain to watch you play, but I can't just not show up for shift. Some of us don't make as much money as professional athletes. School, rent, it's expensive."

Nolan nodded his head and looked down. "You're right, I'm sorry..."

You shook your head and brought your hands up to cup his cheeks, making him meet your eyes. "It's okay."


You were upset that you weren't able to go to Nolan's game, especially now that you know how much Nolan didn't like that you weren't there, so work was rough. And your coworkers caught on to your less than happy mood and one of them whose shift had ended decided to stay to cover you so you could go to the game.

So, you went back to your place to grab your jersey and the ticket that Nolan left at your place before driving over to the outdoor arena. By the time you got there, it was about halfway into the first period and you settled into your seat, cheering for your boyfriend.

When the end of the game rolled around and the Flyers won, you grabbed the stuff and made your way towards the locker room, which Nolan had shown you before when you attended their outdoor practice.

You waited outside of the locker room and when Nolan finally came out, he did a double take when he saw you. You smiled and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around him in a hug.

Nolan melted into the hug. "What are you doing here?"

"A girl at work helped me out, said that my sad aura would put the customers off." You explained. Nolan laughed and pulled back from the hug to kiss you.

"Nice pass." You said when he pulled back. "Now, how about we go back to your place and you warm me up because I am so fucking cold."

Nolan laughed again and nodded, pulling you against him as he began to walk. "Sounds good to me."

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