Pregnancy Scare (Mat Barzal x Reader)

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You were never late. Ever. Your period came every month like clockwork. So, when you didn't get your period when you were expecting it, it was weird. But now you were two weeks late.

Two weeks.

That was unheard of for you. So, naturally, you started to freak out. And, of course, Mat was away with the Islanders on a five game away streak, so you were left to freak out alone.

You knew that you could call him if you needed to to talk about your little problem, but it didn't seem right to talk about it over the phone. You wanted to wait until you saw him.

The other thing was that you didn't actually know if you were pregnant.

You just knew you were late. You were late for the first time in your life and, to you, that meant you were pregnant, you didn't actually take a pregnancy test. You didn't want to, not alone. You wanted Mat to be there in case if it was positive, when it was positive.

So, you waited. Waited for Mat to get back from his trip. And all that time alone with your thoughts and feelings about this wasn't good because when Mat came home, it wasn't smiles and hugs like it was usually.

Mat came through the door with a smile and you looked panicked, because you were. You were holding an unopened pregnancy test in your hands and Mat's smile immediately fell when he realized that you weren't all smiley, he knew that something was off.

Mat opened his mouth to ask you what was wrong when you beat him to it, blurting out words you would never be able to take back. "I'm pregnant."

Mat took a step back in surprise. "What...? You're...?"

You opened and then closed your mouth, failing to come up with the right words. You wanted to say something, to explain it, but you couldn't find your voice.

Mat slowly walked over to you and holding your arms, a smile crawling up his lips. "You're pregnant?"

You forced a smile. "I think so?"

Mat's smile faltered and he looked at you confused.

"I'm late. Like two weeks late. I haven't taken the test yet because I was scared, I guess. I didn't want to face the results by myself, but I think that I might be." You explained and Mat nodded his head.

"If you are, it's a good thing. We can do it. I know we can." Mat said, giving you a soft smile.

You nodded your head. "I'll go take it?"

Mat nodded. "Okay."


You put the test on the coffee table beside your phone which had the timer on it. You were watching the timer tick down as Mat was pacing behind the couch. He was talking about how you'd have a hockey themed nursery and could get tips from the guys on the team who already have kids.

Mat kept talking and your mind was racing.

You were both so young, you weren't done school and Mat was gone a lot because of his job and you weren't ready to have kids. While Mat talking about how great it would be, will be, you just kept thinking please be negative please be negative please be negative.

You watched as the timer ran down to the final few seconds and stopped it so the alarm wouldn't go off. Mat was still talking and you took a deep breath and looked at the test before letting go of your breath and putting your head in your hands, letting your shoulders relax.

Mat noticed your reaction and came around to your side of the couch and looked at the test to see the result.


Mat's shoulders fell and he took a seat on the couch next to you.

"Oh." He said softly.

You took another deep breath, allowing yourself to let go of all the stress and tension you've had for the last two weeks before looking over to your boyfriend. Mat was playing with his hands and you gave him a small smile and put your hand on his shoulder.

"This is for the best." You whispered and he nodded. "We're still young, Mat. We're practically still kids. I'm still in school and you're still getting your footing in the league. We're too young."

Mat nodded. "I know..."

"But..." You finished for him and he nodded.

"But it still would have been great." He whispered. You smiled and leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer.

"One day, but not now." You whispered to him and he nodded.

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