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Gabriella p.o.v.

"We are still having lunch, come on." I said from downstairs and went into the kitchen.

It's not even the first day and I want to go home already. Every time me and him are alone, something has to happen.

They came in the kitchen, Jay still in Jungkook's arms and sat on the chairs of the kitchen counter, this time Jungkook was wearing a T-shirt.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asked.
"No, I'm not hungry." I shook my head.

I could feel there's an awkwardness between us after what happened couple minutes ago.

"Can we go get ice cream?" Jay asked suddenly.
"Of course buddy" Jungkook smiled at him and ruffled his hair, "and Gabriella, you're coming with us."

"No it's okay, you can go and have like a dad-son moment." I answered with a smile.

"You'll get bored alone and Jay will have more fun if you're with us, right Jay?" He turned to look at Jay who was nodding his head.

"Alright, just let me get my things."
"Yeah take your time, I need to change too."

I went to my room and sighed. Let just hope that nothing bad will happen.

I went downstairs to see Jungkook and Jay waiting at the door.
"Ready?" Jungkook asked in which I responded with a smile and an nod.

"Okay let's go then." I went out with Jay to Jungkook's car while he was locking the door.

After we all got in the car, me sitting in the passenger seat, Jungkook started driving.

"There's one ice cream shop not so far from here but it's really delicious, I don't know if you already went there." He started a conversation.

"Oh I don't think so because I don't go often to an ice cream shop since I always have some in my house." I let out a small giggle while he chuckled.

"Next to the shop there's a park where Jay loves to play so I think we have to stay there for a little." He pointed at Jay with his head and rolled his eyes which made me laugh.

"Well if Jay is having fun, I don't mind then." I smiled at Jay who was looking out of the window in his own little world.

"I'm actually really surprised of how can someone love a kid so much that is not his." He smiled while keeping an eye on the road.

"I'm actually not that good with kids but Jay is something else. He's like a little angel and that's why I could get along with him."

Jungkook grinned while turning left. "Well thank you I guess, that's my child you're talking about."

"Yeah you're raising him well, I bet he will get all the girls later." I joked.

"Of course, just like his dad." He joked too with a proud smile on his fave making both of us laugh.

See, this is what I like. Just us laughing like that without any awkwardness or thinking about anything further.

I think this is what made me fall for him. His silliness, charms and kindness. His sweet side that he only shows towards his kid.

"We're here." He pulled up next to a little cute store that had a terrace and flowers around it. "We are in time cause they are about to close."

"Uh it looks cute." I said when we got out the car.
"I know right also the owner is an old lady and her husband but they are really kind." He told me while getting Jay out of the car.

"Do you come here often?" I asked curious.
He shrugged his shoulders "Only when Jay wants to but the owners know us now because they became fond of Jay."

We walked inside to find that it wasn't that crowded which I was tankful for.

"You can go and find a seat, I will order. Which flavor do you want?" Jungkook asked.

I was about to answer him but got interrupted when we heard someone call Jay's name and when we turned around we saw a lady in her late 40s.

When Jay saw her, he ran to her and hugged her after that she came and hugged Jungkook.

"Oh you must be Jay's mother, finally I've got the chance to meet you." She came and hugged me too taking me in surprise.

"Oh no I'm not, I'm just his babysitter." I said awkwardly after she let go of the hug.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know." You could see that she was ashamed.

"No it's alright, pleasure meeting you."
"Oh dear no need to be so formal with me." She laughed making me giggle.

Behind her I could see Jungkook looking at us smiling.

"Come on take a seat and I will be back. Did you already order?" She turned around to ask Jungkook.

"No I was about to." He answered before looking at me smiling.

"You still haven't told me, which flavor?" He asked.

"Alright, Jay go sit with Gabriella and I will be back."
I took Jay little hand and went to sit down next to the window.

A little later Jungkook came back with three cups.

"There you go." He placed mine down and went to sit next to me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.
Well today is going better then I thought.

"Daddy can we go to the park after this?" Jay asked, who was sitting in front of us.

"Told you." Jungkook whispered to me before replying with a yes.

After some minutes, we were the only people in the shop waiting for Jay to finish his ice cream.

"Sorry but we need to close now." The same lady came back to use.

"Oh yeah we're sorry. Jay you done?" Jungkook asked and Jay nodded his head.
"Let's go to the park now!" Jay cheered.

"Oh you guys are going to the park?" The lady aksed me.
"Yes the one right in the front."

"Oh can we walk with you, if that's not a problem of course." She pointed at herself and her husband who was grabbing his jacket.

"No not at all." I smiled back at her.

Me, Jay and Jungkook got out of the store followed by Mr. and Mrs. Min.

Jungkook told me more about them when we were in the shop and that they were actually the parents of one of his close friends.

We went in the park and Jay ran directly to the swings. "Be careful." I said to him before going back to the rest.

"Excuse me ladys but can I have a word with Jungkook please?" Mr. Min said in a charming way.

"Sure,I wanted to talk with Gabriella for a moment anyway." Mrs. Min said.

Jungkook p.o.v.

"You like her, don't you?"

The babysitter [Jeon Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now