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3th person p.o.v.

After Gabriella left, Jungkook sat alone in the living deep in his thoughts and also waiting for Elena. He doesn't know how she will take it but it isn't going to be any good and he knows it for sure.

The question of why he really wants to divorce Elena kept playing in his head. Does he really not have any feelings for her? They went throught so much together, they've been together for a long time. They even got Jay. How can all of that just fade away in a month and a half.

But he didn't thought of her for a second when he was with Gabriella, he even almost forgot that he was married.

It was almost midnight when he heard a car pull over and when he looked out of the window, Elena came out of it and rushed to the front door.

"Jungkook?" she called when she opened the door and he came out of the kitchen.

When she saw him, she ran and hugged him. "Is everything okay? You had me really worried."

"Yes." Jungkook answered with his voice deep.

"Then why did I had to come this urgent?" She asked with her eyebrows frowned.

"Let's sit down and talk, alright?" They went to the living and sat next to each other. Jungkook's mouth was dry and he didn't knew how to start even tho he had been thinking about it the whole day.

"Is Jay sleeping?" Elena asked but Jungkook shook his head no.

"He is at Mr. Min's house." He answered calmly but that only made Elena more worried.

"What, why? Where is Gabriella?" Just by his wife saying her name he looked immediately into his wife's eyes holding in his breath.

"We need to talk about us." He finally managed to say, his eyes dark.

The confused women felt the air in the room disappearing. The tone and the way that her man said it wasn't good.

"What about us?" Her voice cracked.

"Elena, I-I thi-" he paused for a second when he looked into her eyes, they were looking at him with a lot of worries and sadness as is if she already knew what was going to happen.

"I think we should divorce."

Tears formed in both eyes, Jungkook's and Elena's.

The wife looked away trying to hold herself together. "Why?" She asked above a whisper.

Jungkook looked down and shrugged, he too is trying to hide his tears. "We were not meant to be." The tone in his voice is the same as Elena's.

They both stayed silent, looking at each other's teary eyes. Until Elena looked away and nodded and Jungkook looked down ashamed.

"And you just realized that?" A side from sadness, anger started to rise inside of the women.

"I'm sorry Elena, I do love you but not how I should, not how a man should love his wife. Not anymore." He didn't want to break her heart anymore but he didn't want to hide anything too.

There was another silent between the two and once again Elena broke it. "Who is she?" She asked.

Jungkook's eyes shot immediately in her way, he was shocked how she asked him that question and most of all she had a soft smile.

With all the tears running down her cheek, she still had a soft smile. With all the things that Jungkook was saying and breaking her heart, she still had a soft smile.

"What do you mean?" He pretended to be dumb in which Elena let out a scoff.

"Don't pretend Jungkook." She paused and looked at his eyes. "You would have never noticed that you don't love me like you should do if you didn't met someone you truly love. Someone who made you notice that you only thought that you love me but never felt it. So who is it?"

When she is asking him who it was, it wasn't for threatening the person but for only to know who made the heart of her son's father beat like that.

Jungkook looked back down, shame was all what he was feeling.

"Gabriella." He said lowly but Elena still heard him and she wasn't shocked at all.

"I saw it coming." She said more to herself with a chuckle. "Ever since she got here, I had a fee-"

"I kissed her." His head was hanging more low and he couldn't seem to bring it high. "I couldn't resist myself anymore." At this moment he started sobbing.

Elena who was sitting next to him looked at him out of words, she was expecting everything but him cheating.

"Then go to her what are you doing here?" Her voice was now with no emotions. She couldn't believe that her man just cheated on her. Didn't she meant anything to him?

"I-I can't." He stuttered, wiping away his tears.

"Why?" Still no emotions in the woman's voice.

Jungkook answered still not daring to look at her "She left."

"So you lost both of us." Elena stood up and was walking away what caused Jungkook to also stand up.

"Ele-" But that's when she exploded.

"Maybe I wasn't a good wife and maybe I didn't do what a mother should do." At this moment she was yelling and looking Jungkook straight in his eyes.

"But I never cheated." She said through gritted teeth, pointing her finger at him.

"Just tell me why? Why did you cheat?" Anger was replaced by her broken state.

"I never felt the love with you like I felt it with her, the love I needed." Jungkook's voice was still soft, he was expecting all those reaction from his wife and he couldn't blame her for anything. She had all the right to be mad at him, to hate him.

"I have one more question, Jungkook. Did you meant it when you said that you love me?" Now was Elena just preparing for her heart to brake more than it already has especially when Jungkook stayed silent.

"Didn't mean what I was saying nor was I playing, just confused."

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