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Gabriella p.o.v.

We were sitting in silence with soft music playing in the background and Jay was sleeping peacefully in the back.

"So what did you and Mrs Min talked about?" Jungkook asked with his eyes fixed on the road.

I didn't really know what to answer him, of course I wasn't going to tell him the truth.

I had been been thinking about her words the whole time, about the hints that she was giving me, about Jungkook's feelings that I thought were impossible...

But are they? I mean at this point I'm really confused. Confused about everything.

"We talked about Jay and about how close we two seem to be."

"You two are for sure." He answered but I'm happy he thought of it that way, because I was talking about me and you, you idiot.

"But there was something that she said that made me confused." I will tell him a part of the truth, maybe then I can get a hint of him or something.

But you know what, I actually don't know what I'm doing. I don't know why I'm having this conversation with him por why I actually wanted to tell him everything so badly.

"Oh yeah?" he looked at me for a second then looked back at the road, "and what's that?"

"That I should open my eyes."

The moment I said that, his face went blank and everything went once again silent.

She started to shift in his seat uncomfortably before clearing his throat and looking at me for a second before looking back at the road.

"What did she mean by that?" From his reaction and with the tone of his voice he asked me this question, I knew that he knows exactly what she meant by that.

"I don't know." And I actually don't, I mean it's really weird. Everything about this is weird.

"What did you and Mr. Min talked about?" Now it was my turn to ask.

"Nothing that important, just about work and also about Jay." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

3th person p.o.v.

When Gabriella told Jungkook about what Mrs. Min told her, his heart started beating out of his chest.

He felt really nervous but at the same time he was thinking of it was a sign, a sign to show Gabriella his feelings.

Since Mrs Min had told Gabriella that, Jungkook was sure that they talked about him.

And maybe that made it easier for him to express how he feels in hope that the girl that is sitting next to him feels the same way.

But after talking to Mr. Min, he gained more confidence, he just need to give her some hints and see her reaction after it.

"We also talked about us." He finally managed to say afterwards.

The girl next to him was shocked for a moment. "Us?" She asked, wanting to be sure about she heard was right.

"Yeah about me and you." Jungkook answered calmly but the truth was his heart was beating ten times faster and he was also scolding himself for sounding awkward.

Gabriella felt herself blushing about what Jungkook just said. "Wh-what did you guys say?" she asked, stuttering a little.

"Oh just that we look like a couple, seems like everyone think that. Even that one lady at the park. Do we look so cute together?" Jungkook said with a chuckle and took a look at the girl who was still blushing from the moment before and felt herself getting redder and redder if that was even possible.

Gabriella just sat there choked from what the man next to her was saying while he was still driving with a soft smile on his face.

The rest of the car ride was silent, neither of the two said anything.

But what Gabriella didn't notice was that Jungkook saw the blush on her cheeks and was smiling to himself for making her shy and blush but that didn't stopped his heart from slowing down.

But same goes to Gabriella, her heart was beating even fast as Jungkook's.

They finally arrived home and Jungkook held Jay tight in his hands and took him to his room.

"Shouldn't we change his clothes?" Gabriella asked after Jungkook shut Jay's bedroom door.

Jungkook bit his lip realizing Jay was still in his dirty clothes from the park. How dumb of you, he thought to himself.

"You right he must me uncomfortable. I'll help you change him, we don't want him to wake up or else he won't go back to sleep."

He opened the door slowly and they both tried to go inside without making any sound until Jungkook suddenly stopped making Gabriella almost bump into him.

He turned around and even tho the room was dark and the only light was coming from the little lamp on the bedside table, Jungkook and Gabriella could feel how close they stood.

Even if they couldn't see each other's face very clearly, Jungkook was still trying to look at the girl's eyes that were staring at him.

"You can take his clothes off while I'll get his pajamas and then we can both dress him." Jungkook whispered quietly. His breath hitting Gabriella's face.

She just nodded her head to whatever the male just right in front of her said, she was too distracted by the closeness then to pay attention to what he was saying.

Jungkook stayed in that position for a minute, admiring, even in the darkness, Gabriella's beautiful face before turning back around and walked towards Jay's closet.

Meanwhile Gabriella was trying her best not to wake the little kid up. Starting by taking off his little shoes and socks.

Jungkook then came and dressed his kid with a little help of Gabriella.

After they were successfully done, they went out of Jay's room and released a breath they didn't know they were holding.

After they saw the same reaction they had, the two started to giggle together at the difficulty they had to face just for not to wake Jay up.

"Alright you should also go to bed now, you seem tired." Jungkook said after they calmed down.

"Yeah I am actually" the girl sighed before smiling at the male who was watching her in every move. "Well good night then." She said and walked off with a good night from Jungkook.

Even when she was out of his sight, Jungkook was still looking at the direction Gabriella just went.

He sighed to himself but smiled, a real smile. He felt like he haven't smiled a genially smile like this in a while and he loved the feeling of it.

I know I'm updating really slow but I'm really sorry. Writing needs inspiration, which I'm kind of losing, and time, which I don't have because of school. But after three weeks I will be done with my exams and school so I hope that then I can write more♥️.

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