4. ** My Choice **

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We didn't waste any time when we woke up the next morning. While both of us remained vigilant, ready to spring into action if necessary, no titans seemed to be around. So we began preparing for our long trek home.

"We're less than a day's ride on horseback, but we're shit out of luck on that one. And between the two of us, we only have enough gas for one of us to use our Maneuvering Gear," Levi grumbled.

"So... We're walking," I concluded.

Neither of us was exactly in the best of shape. With my broken ankle and whatever injury was causing Levi's limp (like he would tell me...), we wouldn't be getting very far before encountering at least one Titan. And with my broken arm, I wasn't going to be able to use the Maneuvering Gear, so I'd have to rely on him when the time came to fight. We really were a sad-looking pair of soldiers.

We stripped Mari of what supplies she had left, then gave her a proper burial, as best we could. I stood over her makeshift grave and whispered farewell before turning back to Levi.

"Alright (F/N), let's get the fuck outta here."

As soon as the sun began to set, we ventured away from our temporary means of confinement. We knew to travel by night when the Titans were less active, and our figures could be hidden by the darkness. I had thrown together a few sturdy branches, creating a crutch to help me walk. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was all I had. Levi's gait had subtly improved, so, much to his discontent, he had to slow his pace to match mine.

We mainly walked in silence, trying to focus on our mission to get back alive. We plotted our course along areas guarded by trees or against scattered rubble from old buildings. I forced myself to hide my anxiety whenever we had to venture back out into the open. Even shrouded by darkness, we were completely vulnerable without the ability to use our gear. But I didn't question Levi's route. After all, he knew the terrain far better than I did.

Come morning, we had settled underneath a few large boulders lodged up against a steep hill. It was the best cover we could find, considering we were at the sun's mercy. Levi sat just inside our stone shelter, still alert as ever. I on the other hand was relieved to finally rest my aching body. My underarm throbbed in pain from reluctantly pushing my weight onto my makeshift crutch. My ankle had swelled back up from having to walk on it. My chest burned as my ribs attempted to heal. A few of my wounds had even bled through my bandages. Levi was no different. He chalked up his saturated bandages to old blood, but I knew that was a lie.

He looked so lonely, sitting at his post. I wanted to sleep so badly, but couldn't bring myself to close my eyes. So I pathetically leaned against the boulder behind me, attempting to push myself to a stand. My sudden movement caught Levi's attention, and he turned to watch me struggle to find my footing.

"Tch- sit back down. You're just gonna fuck your leg up more."

I stubbornly limped forward and eased myself down next to him. He stared blankly at me before raising an eyebrow, trying to read my intentions.

"I can't sleep... So I figured I'd take watch so that you can," I muttered blatantly.

"Hrm..." Levi took one glance at my broken body and sighed.

"You're filthy. We need to get those disgusting bandages off of you before you lose your whole damn arm," he started, before muttering under his breath, "God, I'd kill for a bath right now..."

I smiled to myself, knowing he just needed to clean something. Crazy little neat freak.

I kept my attention on the open field before me. I couldn't help but drink in the sound of the breeze greeting the trees above. Birds chirped gleefully within the branches, free to come and go as they pleased. How was it so peaceful out here when it had been such a nightmare just before?

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