19. ** Psychopath **

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"So, got an issue with the Survey Corps?"

I looked up to find one of the two soldiers steering the wagon looking back at me. She had short brown hair and a very calm, kind demeanor.

"Oh, no. It's more of a... precautionary move, I guess."

"The name's Anka by the way. Up ahead of us is Rico. She's our Team Leader. Pixis told us that you came highly recommended by both Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. That's not something you hear too often. But anyway, welcome to Squad Rico, the Garrison's 1st Division Elite Force."

I smiled and nodded back at Anka. I recognized Rico from the Military Tribunal Trial. She had been standing next to Mikasa and Armin that day. The soldier sitting next to Anka was of shorter stature. He turned around, looked me over, and grunted.

"You don't look so special to me."

I smiled and laughed at his unfiltered honesty, reminding me of a certain someone. I responded lightly,

"Well, you're right. I'm nothing special. Just happen to have special circumstances, I guess."

He glared at me from out of the corner of his eye, then muttered.

"You can call me Huser."

"I'm Shep! I hear you got experience with our horses!?" Shouted the fourth soldier, proudly trotting alongside the wagon.

"A long time ago, yes. They're beautiful creatures... Far smarter than most people give them credit," I responded.

Shep threw a wide grin my way, while patting his horse's mane.

"Well, this is Fera, and she's the best horse around."

I stared at Shep for a moment, before turning back around to watch the horizon. I just wanted to reach the gate safely. We rode through a field with a small forest to our right, an old abandoned village up ahead. The ground was muddy from the rain the night before, making the wagon more difficult for the horses to pull. Even though the sun was shining through the clouds, I couldn't help but feel cold. Something was wrong.

I turned my gaze to stare into the trees. Shep must have mistaken it for me turning to speak to him. He slowed his horse to match the pace of the wagon, pulling Fera closer to me.

"What's it like fighting Titans out there, (F/N)? I find it so fascinating that they don't harm our horses."

My god, does he ever stop talking about horses?

Suddenly, I heard the zip of a bullet whiz by, followed by blood splattering against me. I heard Anka scream, as Huser fell from the wagon seat, tumbling to the ground. I looked up to see Shep urging Fera forward to steady the wagon horses. Just as he moved, my eyes caught the glimmer of metal within the forest.

"GET DOWN!" I screamed.

I yanked the back of Anka's jacket, pulling her into the wagon with me. Just then, a bullet passed through where she had sat, barely missing Shep.

I jumped to my feet, yelling, "Cut the horses loose! The wagon is slowing us down!"

Rico pulled her horse back to meet us.
"Goddamn bandits! The wagon is empty! We don't have shit for them!"

"Those aren't bandits, Rico! We've got to get to the gate!  Fast!" I shouted.

She stared back at me, fear in her eyes, before charging forward. I ducked back down to face Anka. As she slowly sat up, I pulled my pistol out and slammed it into her hands.

"Cover me. I gotta cut the horses loose. On my mark, stay on my left and get on that horse."

"Your left? But the gunshots are coming from the right!"

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