20. ** A Gift **

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Anka's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Shep!? He's been on this squad longer than I have! He'd never betray us!"

I grabbed Anka's collar, pulling her face to mine.

"He knew that I used to work with the Garrison's horses. There's only a handful of people who know that. He was either bribed or threatened something fierce. That's why I had Rico send him off earlier. I knew if he came back, my hunch was right."

I saw pain cross Anka's face, as her heart dropped. With a sorrowful nod, she looked back up at me and said,

"What now...?"

"Stay behind me, and follow my lead," I said quietly, as I stood back up slowly.

I walked out from behind the rubble with my hands up, Anka close behind.

"Alright, you've got us. Now let Shep go," I growled.

The soldier threw Shep to the ground and aimed his gun at me, marching toward us. I felt Anka shift her gaze toward me hesitantly. I stayed calm as he closed in on us. Right as he grabbed my arm to pull it around my back, I slipped my blade out of my sleeve and into my hand. With one swift movement, I sliced off the soldier's hand and threw him to the ground. He screamed out in agony clutching his wrist. I confiscated his gun and shoved the barrel into his chest.

"You touch me again, and I'll blow a hole right through you."

I could see Shep slowly standing back up out of my peripheral vision. I whispered Anka's name, and she tightened her grip on the pistol I had given her. Shep walked over to the other soldier's corpse, picking up his rifle. He wiped blood from his lip and slowly made his way over to us.

"Thank you, (F/N), Anka... I thought I was a goner there for a second."

Right then, Shep and I both turned toward each other, rifles aimed and ready. I could hear my heart beating out of my chest, the soldier still crying out in agony, Anka pleading with Shep, and Shep ordering me to lower my gun. The tension was rising quickly, as everything got louder and louder. Just as I was about to pull the trigger, a shot rang out, but not from my gun... We all ducked instinctively, our ears ringing in response.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Rico staring at us from behind her smoking gun. Shep had collapsed to the ground, a bullet to the brain. Anka dropped her fists and forehead onto his body, angrily screaming at him for his treachery. I heaved a sigh, turning my attention back to the stunned soldier lying next to us. I ripped off a piece of Shep's pant leg and proceeded to tourniquet his arm and bandage up his severed wrist. He watched me, confused yet relieved.

"Wha- what are you doing? You're not going to kill me?"

"Anka, can you bring me this man's horse, please?" I said, proceeding to wrap his arm.

Anka guided his horse to me, waiting to see what my intentions were. I stood up, wiping my hands on my already bloodstained pants. I shifted my gaze onto Shep's corpse, then back up to Anka and Rico.

"Can you unbuckle all of Shep's harnesses? We'll need to use something to strap this guy down to his horse..."

Rico rested her rifle on the ground beside her and began to unfasten Shep's gear. Anka just stood next to the horse, gripping the reins tightly. She was visibly torn over the death of her friend and comrade. Yet, watching their Team Leader strip him of the last of his dignity was too difficult.

"Rico, how did you know about Shep?"

"When I was waiting inside one of the houses, I saw him ride back into town and meet this guy over here. I heard them talking about how they would trick us into lowering our weapons by threatening to kill Shep... I knew I had to follow them and stop them at just the right moment," she answered, pulling off Shep's belts.

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