12. ** Hidden No More **

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The rest of the walk back to our room was spent trying to keep me from busting my knuckles wide open. I was seeing red and absolutely fuming. I had JUST started to allow myself to live a life on my own terms, and I could feel myself beginning to lose control. The moment we entered our room, I released a roar of exasperation, unable to contain my overflowing emotions as I pounded my fists onto the floor. Levi shut the door behind us and stared at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What the hell was that back there...?"

I turned around with gritted teeth, failing at holding back my tears.

"That was HIM, Levi! THAT WAS FUCKING HIM. You told me to confront my fears! But I didn't think I would ever have to do that physically! But he was RIGHT THERE in front of me! And you STOPPED ME!"

Levi shifted his weight and furled his brow, disconcerted.

"What are you saying, (F/N)...?"

I just glared back at Levi, wiping the blood and tears from my fat lip in annoyance.

"That MP? That was the man who ruined my life!"

Levi uncrossed his arms, muttering "shit" before quickly locking the door behind him.

"We're leaving. Now."

I watched him swiftly walk into the bedroom and begin collecting the few personal items we had. I sniffled, wiping my nose, confused by his reaction. I brought myself back to my feet and stood in the doorway, watching him assemble his 3D Maneuvering Gear.

"Levi, do you know him or something?" I asked hesitantly.

Without breaking his focus, he replied:

"Tch- Like hell I do. That's Commander Viktor Dietrich, one of the highest ranking officers of the Military Police. To say he's a corrupt piece of shit scumbag is putting it lightly. I fucking hate his worthless ass, but we've always just mutually kept our distance from each other. I haven't met an MP yet that wouldn't follow his orders blindly, no matter how unethical it was...It's either that or be killed for disobeying him. That man is the only person alive that those cowards would die for... because he is responsible for their hedonistic life of luxury."

I had been suiting myself up, listening intently to what he was saying, but stopped when I noticed a shadow begin to loom over his face.

"The only reason I stopped you from beating his ass is because you would have been shot dead on the spot. And I knew they wouldn't fuck with me."

He turned to face me, making sure he had my full attention.

"I want you to be exceptionally aware of your surroundings from here on out."

I nodded, understanding the apparent danger I had put us in. Once we were ready to leave, Levi placed his hand on my shoulder.

"(F/N), I want you to focus on getting to the Meeting House with me. We're leaving with the rest of the Squad from there. And then, if you so choose, you will never have to come back to Sina again. You got that?"

I nodded again, slightly unnerved with how Levi was acting. He flipped my hood up over my head, as he did the same to his. He unlocked the door and slid out first before allowing me to follow. I looked around for any signs of threats as we exited onto the street. However, it was oddly quiet, with only a few citizens present.

The Meeting House was only a few blocks away from us, and yet it seemed way too far. Levi's pace was quick as he kept his eyes forward, yet stayed ever vigilant of his entire surroundings. Every passerby was a potential threat to him, and he was incredibly on edge. It made me remember just how deceptive and powerful Viktor had been, able to control the entire Brigade to do his bidding. And if he was able to cause Levi this much anxiety, I couldn't imagine how much worse he had gotten since I knew him.

Breaking Barricades (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now