23. ** To Stohess **

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"Like hell I won't!"

All morning long, I listened to Levi argue with Commander Erwin over him not being allowed to wear his uniform and gear to the Capitol. Erwin forbade him from doing so, due to the severity of his injury, of which he was still silent about towards me.

"You'll just be tempted to join in, should things go south. And with an injury as severe as yours, you could find yourself in pieces on the street-"

"Tch- that's bullshit and you know it."

Levi honestly looked like a little kid, pouting over not getting his way. He had his arms crossed over his chest and was leaning against the wall, still muttering words of objection. Erwin then turned to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. Quietly stifling a laugh, he leaned in and said,

"Perhaps you can calm him down...?"

When I looked back up at him to answer, I was caught off guard. The look in his eye made me suddenly realize that he knew our relationship was more than just professional. I was surprised when I felt myself blush, followed by a nervous nod.

"Heh- uh, okay, yea- I mean- yessir."

He held his gaze on me a bit longer before proceeding out of the room. The moment the door shut behind him, I brought my fist to my forehead, incredibly embarrassed over my idiotic ramble of an answer.

I watched as Levi began shoving his arms into his suit jacket, still cursing up a storm. I gently wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, which caused him to let out a long, defeated sigh.

"Looks like I won't be able to protect you again, (F/N). God damn worthless ankle..."

I slipped around to face him, and began to straighten his jacket and cravat. Then, giving his collar a little tug, I pulled him down to me, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Stop complaining. You're still alive, aren't you?"

He cocked an eyebrow at me and huffed, before pulling me into a snug embrace.

"I just hate you sometimes...you and Erwin both..."

I smiled and patted my palm against his chest. Having watched he and Erwin bicker, now that I knew some of Levi's past, held such a deeper meaning. Knowing that they were both just trying to protect each other truly showed how much things had changed. And how much respect and admiration they held for one another, as well as for their comrades.

Still holding me in his arms, Levi let out a long exhale.

"I fucked up my leg pretty bad out there. Broke or twisted my ankle or something. Damn brat Mikasa got ahead of herself and almost got herself killed."

I pressed my cheek against his heart and just listened to him speak. I was happy he was finally opening up to me about how he got hurt.

"We had already lost our whole squad... Eld, Petra, Oluo, Gunther...that bitch Titan killed them all, trying to get to Eren. And when we finally had an opening to get him back, Mikasa goes in for the kill. That's when I had to save her ass and grab Eren...all covered in disgusting titan spit..."

After a brief pause, I asked him a question.

"How did you escape her then? The Female Titan?"

"I had done a number on her. Sliced her up good. Crazy thing was, when I looked back to make sure she wasn't going to pursue us... She was crying...have you ever seen a titan cry before?"

Levi shook his head and scoffed before returning to his normal demeanor.

"While we're in Stohess, I want you to stay close to me the whole time. Got it?"

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