Chapter 17

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My phone vibrating madly on the bedside table woke me up the next morning; soft, muted light peeking through the curtains and adding an orange glow to the room.

Billie was softly singing '8' somewhere in the room, and I could hear her sorting through something.

Cracking an eye open, I tiredly reached for my phone and saw as Ethan spammed the group chat. Sitting up a bit to lean on my elbows, I tried to read some of the messages through my half-asleep eyes.

triplets 💞

ethan: soooo... staying the night at billie's huhhhh.....
justin: bro that's so inappropriate
ethan: is it though?? does it look like rose is replying??
justin: ... fair

Chuckling under my breath, I switched my phone off and threw it next to me on the bed as I felt Billie wrap herself around my back, pressing a light kiss to my neck as she smiled.

A content hum escaped her throat as she rested her chin on my shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut as I kissed her temple lightly.

To be honest, we hadn't really done much talking yet, so I had no idea what was going on with us or what was going to happen...

But I wasn't complaining.

As if Billie had read my mind, she cleared her throat slightly before sliding off of my back and onto the bed next to me, watching me for a while before speaking.

"So..." she started, a hint of a smile appearing on her face as she bit her bottom lip.

She laughed when I immediately blushed, winking at me as I hid my face in the duvet. Her hand rested softly on the back of my neck as she gently scratched my skin with her nails, and I heard her inhale slowly.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Lifting my head from the blankets, I looked at her through my scruffy bed hair, scrunching up my nose as she smiled. Her fingers ran down my cheek; her thumb grazing along my bottom lip, and her hand sliding down to my neck as she put a tiny bit of pressure around my throat.

"I think," I rasped, licking my lips as I watched her eyes cloud over slightly, her hand still dancing around my neck. "We should just let it be. Whatever happens, happens... For now at least."

She smirked, wrapping her hand around the back of my neck and pulling me towards her as she leant forward, brushing her nose against mine.

"Whatever happens, happens."

The little heaven we'd built in her bedroom didn't last for very long, because today was the day we were starting tour.

So far, it was only 9am, and it was already way busier a day than I was expecting.

"The tour bus will be here in half an hour, people!" Maggie called through the halls of the house, Billie shouting something back as she wandered around her room, looking for anything she'd forgotten to pack.

I sat cross-legged on her bed watching her, smiling when she looked at me.

She laughed and smirked back, shaking her head. "You got everything you need, mami?"

I shrugged, playing with the end of the Louis Vuitton blanket she had draped over the bed. "I didn't bring anything other than my art stuff, really," I explained, thinking about how maybe only bringing one suitcase for a long-ass tour wasn't the best idea. I grimaced. "I don't think I really thought it all through."

Billie chuckled, jogging over to her closet before pulling out a few hoodies, t-shirts and sweatpants. She folded them all up, placing them on top of her clothes in her packed suitcase and looked at me. "That'll do for now, I'm sure."

I hummed in response, smiling and pulling her towards me by her massively oversized hoodie. She bent down slightly so her lips could crash against mine, her legs straddling either side of me on the bed and her arms wrapping around my neck. She slid her hand into my hair and tugged ever-so slightly as she pulled back and brushed her bottom lip against mine, her warm breath against my face.

Then, right on cue, there was a knock at the door.

Billie shut her eyes in frustration as I laughed, pushing her off of me. The door opened and Finneas grinned, once again completely unaware of what he had just interrupted despite Billie's glare. He bent down to zip up her suitcase before standing it up and pulling out the handle.

"The bus is here, by the way!" He chirped, skipping out of the room and avoiding his sister's growl.

"Cheer up, Bil," I laughed, standing from the bed to lean against her back, moving in to brush my lips against her ear. "The bus is here, anyways," I whispered, before nipping her earlobe quickly and running out of the room, not daring to look back at whatever kind of glare she had for me.

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