Ch. 3

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Your eyes reluctantly opened, as you took in the blinding light from the chandelier overhead, "What happened?" Your head was aching, and you remembered what had occurred only moments before you fainted.

You laid on what seemed to be the softest couch you've ever felt. A thin, cotton blanket was draped across you, feather pillows supporting your head. Your grandparents worriedly looked upon your frail figure as they kneel at your side. They reached for a glass of water and handed it to you with both hands, as if they were afraid you were too weak to hold it by yourself.

Lifting the rim of the glass to your mouth, you drank the water, which almost instantly cured your parched throat. Reality hit you, and you remembered what happened.

Your family is a mafia.

The urge to hydrate yourself suddenly faded. The anxiety started to kick in, and you mysteriously had the strong desire to sprint out of the damned mansion.

In your peripheral vision, you saw your relatives glancing at you from the door crack of the small room. As you straightened up, you sharply inhaled. Life was being a bitch to you right now.

"So, what exactly does this family do," you decided to push further questions. "Kill? Do we murder innocent people and start wars?"

Your grandparents looked hesitant to answer, but finally, after receiving a death glare from your grandmother, your grandpa replied, "We don't target them, but we only kill if we need to. And we mostly just trade arms anyway."

Jin awaited your reaction. He hoped you would be okay.

And you were.

You couldn't do much. As long as they didn't kill the innocent civilians, they were fine. Was it still a huge pill to swallow? Yes. Would it take you some time to accept the fact that your family is a mafia? Definitely.

At least you knew.

"Wait," you asked. "Did my cousins know about this before me?"
Your grandma nodded. "But! Only because they reached a mature age."

You raised an eyebrow. This was bullshit. They only told your cousins the truth first because they were guys. How sexist. Whatever. They're old-fashioned.

"What do I do now?" You asked. After knowing, you were pretty sure you'd be paranoid if you went back to your normal lifestyle.

"Well, we actually planned for you to do something for us," Jin replied. Though he hadn't been in touch with you for years, he still knew one key detail: marriage was not in your bucket list. Heck, you weren't even thinking of dating anyone. You planned on living alone for the rest of your life with your friends, because guys are gross. Thus, your grandfather approached with caution.

"It's very important to this family."

"Ooh okay. I like feeling important."

"And we don't have any other choice."

"Go on, grandpa."

"We need you to get married."


Your grandmother pursed her lips. She knew this would be your reaction. "Sweetheart, we need you to do this. It's solely for business purposes. And frankly, I think it's good. I want beautiful grandchildren from my only beautiful granddaughter." She lightly pressed your forehead, "If only you would get out of your room and explore the world."

At those words, your gaze softened. She was right. Not about the grandchildren thing, fuck no, but the "explore the world" thing. For 21 years, you've been cocooned inside your apartment. You needed to spread your wings and meet new people.

"Wait, so I'm getting an arranged marriage?"

They nodded.

"I hope he's nice at least," you mumble. Inside, however, other thoughts were running through your mind. Unfortunately, you had no prior experience with romance, and the closest thing to it, was reading fan fictions on tumblr. Or, the princess stories your grandma used to read to you before bedtime.

But, the difference was that this is reality.

And life isn't a fairytale.

i'm finally on spring break, yay! i'm going to be gone for a few days after thursday, because i'm going out of town, however. i am currently writing at 11:44 at night... oh well. my hands are cramped so imma stop typing.
- erica

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