Ch. 23

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"The dream that shook up my world last night,

was it a nightmare? Am I still in that dream?

Following the light that pulled me, I'm in a maze.

There, I discovered another passage."


"You doing okay in there, princess?"

The young man smirked at your seething face from the rear view mirror. Ryujin snickered and elbowed his arm. You, on the other hand, grimaced even more at his attempt to give you a condescending pet name. It was a long drive to wherever this car was heading, and your patience was trickling away by the second. These two assholes were close to the crossing line. At least their bodyguards knew how to shut the hell up.

Finally, after about an hour or so, Lucas steered the vehicle roughly to the right to enter an empty road. You felt your stomach drop, your gut screaming at you to get out--to open the door of the moving car and jump onto the road. Anything. Just escape. Unfortunately, your body was a coward piece of shit. It refused to get out of its frozen state, and instead remained quietly seated in the backseats between Thug #1 and Thug #2.

A few minutes passed by, but each minute seemed like eternity. The clock in the car read 5:37. Huh, why is it so dark outside, then? You squinted your eyes to see through the windows of the car, fighting back a gasp. Curse your imagination, but your surroundings looked exactly like that of a Disney villain's environment. The trees outside were nearly black and barren of any leaves. There were almost no other plants except for the dead trees and poisonous-looking bushes. The absence of any other cars made everything even more eerie.

Ryujin smirked at your frightened expression from the mirror. Your eyes followed the frighteningly dark sky, but her eyes were trained on you. Though it was her first time seeing you in the flesh, she knew one thing was for certain:

the young woman hated you already.

Was it the way your eyes glimmered so brightly under the lights and that you always looked like a lost puppy? Was it the way you looked so pretty in your wedding dress that it infuriated her? Was it the way her lover used to be infatuated with you? Or was it the way you effortlessly captured her ex boyfriend's heart?

To Ryujin Joanne Shin, it was all of the above.

To her, she was supposed to be the perfect one--the one SKZ admired and loved. Not you.

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