Ch. 9

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Your heart was beating at a near-impossible rate.

Hurriedly, you (slammed) closed your bedroom door and slid against the cold wood of it.

How could he act like that? He was so solemn and stoic just seconds before! This man was playing with your emotions too much, and you barely knew him.

You jumped on your bed and hid under the sheets.

Maybe if you go to sleep, this will all just be a dream.


"We have guests tomorrow," Felix said to Chan, without looking up from his PC. The boy's eyes were glued to the monitor screen, his finger clicking the mouse rapidly.

Chan looked over and saw Felix immersed in yet another game of Fortnite. What is up with him and "getting this dub" all the time?

The mafia boss shook his head in disapproval, but continued to carry on the conversation, "Who are we hosting this time?"

Felix cursed and ended the game.

He must've lost.

"Well, we have a couple other mafias that are allied with BTS," Felix sighed. He took a sip from the iced coffee that was placed strategically at his right side.

Chan raised an eyebrow, "Why are they so eager?"

The younger member simply shrugged. Despite being on the intel team of the mafia, he had no idea for the reason behind the rushed meeting. Felix stirred the plastic straw in the coffee and thought about buying a pack of reusable straws. Y'know, save the turtles and shit.

"How many of 'em?" Chan asked, "This must be important, considering they want to meet with us so soon."

Felix nodded in agreement. "So far, we got a notice that stated only two mafias. They probably just want to know how SKZ is like. They don't want a weak syndicate as their ally."

Chan tensed. He hated that word—weak.

Felix noticed this, "Mate, don't worry. We're strong."

The boss nodded.

This meeting better not turn into a train wreck.


I guess this wasn't a dream, you thought, as you rubbed your eyes.

You got sleep last night, but it wasn't exactly... peaceful. If anything, you had nightmares—dying from assassinations, watching your parents drown as they were getting interrogated.

Worst of all?

Chan. Chan and his stupid mind games.

You were slowly turning into an insomniac. The more you thought about that night, the more you became deprived of rest. You were sure you were the only one that felt this way.

He probably did this to all women.

Fucking womanizers.

Knock knock knock

Before you could say, "Come in!" Minho opened the door abruptly. It seemed as if he ran up to your room, because he was raggedly breathing.

"You have," Minho said, gasping for breath, "To wear this tonight."

Your eyes laid on the casual skater mini dress, that he was holding by its hanger.

It was a cute, semi-formal, black mini skater dress. You appreciated its long sleeves and bow at the back. Inside, you were grateful that Minho chose a black dress. You hated almost any other color that wasn't pastel or in the neutral shade spectrum.

He handed you the dress. "We have some guests coming over tonight, so it would be best that you clean yourself up a bit." The mafia member was judgmentally eyeing your messy bed hair.

You rolled your eyes at him as he casually strolled inside your room. He jumped on the edge of your undone bed and crossed his legs. "The party starts at 7:30," He said. "But I suggest you arrive a bit earlier."

You rose your eyebrows. Arrive? Early? Psh. Bullshit.

Damn my bed is messy, you thought, as you started to fix it. You arranged the sheets and pillows back to their original, pristine state.

Minho seemed to sense your careless aura. He then exclaimed, "(Y/N), you do realize that you're the star of the show... right?"

Immediately, you spun around to face him better. Maybe he was just toying with you.

His grinning, mischievous face and laid-back sitting form was sneering right back you.

This bitch wasn't lying.

"What?" You almost shouted. "Dude, I have stage fright!"

Minho cocked his eyebrow and smirked, "That seems like a 'you' problem." He grinned even wider.

"You knew about this shit, didn't you?" You asked. "All of you fuckers checked my profile or something, huh?"

The young man smiled. "I'm glad that you're observant, (Y/N). And yes, we did do some research projects on you."

Finally submitting to his vexatious attitude, you asked him again, this time, hesitantly. "D-do I have to make a speech?"

He chuckled loudly, causing you to frown. These mafia boys find too much happiness in clowning you.

"No, you do not. You're just going to stand in the center, greeting everyone like a proper lady," He said. "As well as staying by your fiance's side the entire duration of the party."

Your eyes widened.

He smirked once more. "But I'm quite sure you wouldn't complain too much, yes?"

You stuttered, "What do you mean? I barely know Chan."

Minho turned his head slightly to the side and furrowed his eyebrows in mock-confusion. "What do you mean?" His eyes glinted mischievously, "I'm pretty sure you two are great friends. I mean, last night? Where you two were in the same bedroom? Alone?"

He stressed the last word powerfully.

He said it so powerfully that you yanked him off your bed.

"N-Nothing happened! I swear!" You stuttered. "He just wanted to talk about, you know, everything that's happening."

Minho's expression died down a bit. He seemed a bit less excited upon hearing those words.

"I am slightly disappointed that y'all didn't hook up, but whatever."

That earned a smack on his neck from you.

"I'm just saying," Minho said, rubbing the back of his neck. "That we all kinda ship you two."


"Yeah yeah keep saying that, we all know that you two want to get married and reproduce some beautiful babies."


"Hehe, you want to bang Mr. Bang Chan, huh?"


As he held his chest from his hysterical laughs, you took the opportunity to push him out of the room and shut the door.

Men are gross.


i love chan but i prefer to stay out of the "cultural appropriation" controversy. i just know that he would never do anything like that on purpose. he appreciates and respects all cultures and i doubt he would pull this kind of shit. i'm thinking of changing the book cover, i don't know. it seems a bit "bland".

- erica

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