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Jasper and Alice walk on either side of Edward and Bella, Jasper with his hands behind his back, Alice with her arms around her books.

"I like them" Bella states. "The twins..." Edward smiles.


"But?" Bella asks, Alice laughs knowing Edward's been caught out.

"Their minds...." he tells them. "I can't read his without getting a headache.....it's too fast....it's a mess, a jumble...I couldn't pick one thing out of it...and hers....there is a block on it"

"Like mine?" Bella asks, Edward shakes his head.

"No....with you it feels like there is a big concrete wall.....but Wanda...I can feel the outside of her mind, easily, just the outside, I can see what she sees as she sees it......but if I try to get further in, there is this...mist that starts to slowly choke my attempts...And it just gets thicker, blocking me completely...and when they share this look" Edward looks to Alice. "Can you see anything? From either of them?" they stop walking and cluster around their lockers as Alice closes her eyes to search their futures. Edward watches through her mind as Jasper and Bella remain blind to it all. Alice opens her eyes and smiles at Jasper who raises an eyebrow back.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Jasper nods.

"You walked up to me, told me I'd kept you waiting long enough and handed me a drawing" Alice nods as Edward smiles. "Of a girl and a boy at what looked like a riot...." Alice nods. "Or a demonstration....you told me that we would meet them eventually and that they would be an important part of our lives" Alice smirks.

"A brunette boy and a brunette girl....twins" Jasper's eyes widen a little.


"Pietro said....he used to be a brunette" Bella points out. "You think it's them?" she asks looking to Edward who shrugs.

"Do you still have this drawing?" Jasper nods.

"At home...in one of my journals" he sighs and looks to Alice. "So do you...think that these are...those twins?" Alice looks down the corridor and smiles, Jasper follows her eyes, the twins are stood at the lockers further down. Wanda is rubbing her head as Pietro rubs circles into her back.

"What wrong with her?" Bella asks.

"She gets headaches" Edward explains listening to the twins. "Side effect of those....chemicals" he shares a look with his siblings.

"When they said she had red eyes..." Bella starts, the others nod. "I thought she was..."

"So did we"

"Are you sure she's not?" Bella asks, worried. Edward smirks a little.

"She's and her brother are human" Edward kisses her head, reassuring her. "For the most part" he adds, Alice raises an eyebrow. "Smell....they don't smell human...Can't smell...." he gives Jasper a look before looking back to Alice. "Blood....concentrate on their scent....go on" he nudges Jasper who gives Edward and Alice a worried look.

"It's alright, Jasper" Alice coos, Jasper sighs and looks to Wanda, he blocks out all other scents and concentrates on the twins.

"What do you smell?" Edward asks...Jasper cautiously takes a whiff of the air and smiles.

"Magnolias" he answers. "Like the tree that used to grow outside my mama's kitchen," he smiles. "And...Confederate Jasmine...she smells like the South" he looks to the others.

"And him?" Edward asks.

"I can't smell him" Jasper answers. "Just her...."

"Alice?" they look to the smaller one of them. Alice smiles.

"I can smell him....but not her....he smells like pine....bonfires....and honeysuckle..." Edward smirks.

"Like Mississippi, right?" Alice looks at Edward and nods. "Your home states"

"Meaning?" Jasper asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"No idea" Edward shrugs and smirks at the pair. Alice huffs and looks back to Pietro. "Go talk to them" Edward nudges Jasper who shakes his head.


"What?" Edward raises an eyebrow.

"I won't bring her...them into this world" Jasper turns and walks away, Alice watches him go before sighing.

"I'll talk to him" she smiles a little at Edward before following Jasper.


Alice finds him sat against the side of his car, his fingers plucking at the edge of the drawing, she smirks, knowing that he always carried it around on him, she sinks to the ground next to him and takes the drawing from him, she rests her head on his shoulder.

"You agree with me don't you?" he asks Alice. "That we shouldn't bring them into this" Alice nods a little. "After everything that's happened with Bella"


"What if I hurt one of them? Or worse?" Alice hands the drawing back and Jasper takes it. "If she is important...." he sighs. "If they are important.....then I should stay well away from them"

"Jasper" Alice coos wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "You won't hurt them" she rubs his arm.

"How can you be sure?"

"Because they were made for us....." she smirks a little. "The first vision I had as a vampire was the four of us together....just a flash, just a second but it was there" Jasper looks to her. "I know it now that it was them..." she points to the drawing. "Maybe the complete details are different. His hair, her eyes but...." she shrugs. "They are the same....they are important to us"

"Not until I have more control" he presses his forehead to the side of Alice's head. "I can't......not yet" she nods as his thumb moves over the drawing to calm himself like it had done so many times in the past. "Thank you"

"We have been siblings for many years, Jaz" he smirks a little. "Friends for longer...." he holds up his hand and she takes it. "You are my best friend"

"And you are mine, Alice" she smiles.

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