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Pietro is pulling the bag out of the car before Jasper and Wanda can get out. Instantly shouldering the weekend cases and shooting Jasper a smirk. Jasper closes the driver's door and starts to the trunk.

"Hey" Jasper complains a little shooting his brother-in-law a look.

"Relax, I've got them" Pietro assures him. "Plus Alice wants to talk to you" Pietro nods towards where Alice is leaving the house.

"We have something to show you" Alice tells them with a giddy smile, Jasper sighs a little, because he wanted to relax a little after that flight back, and he knows Wanda wants some space. Just to relax after spending time around humans.

"Does it have to be now?" Jasper asks as Wanda appears at his side, his arm coming around to wrap around her.

"Yes" Alice answers and then disappears into the trees surrounding the house, Pietro just shrugs at Jasper and Wanda and follows her. Jasper and Wanda share a look, he shrugs knowing that it is best to give Alice what she wants. He kisses her head.

"Let's just get this over with" he comments


Jasper and Wanda find Alice and Pietro in the trees in front of a newly built cabin. Pietro is just leaving it and closing the door when Jasper and Wanda join them.

"Ta-da" Alice teases motioning to the cabin behind her. "It's for you"

"You built us a house?" Wanda asks Pietro who nods, she raises an eyebrow at him. "Why?"

"It's our wedding gift to you" Alice answers at his side. "It's not that far away, and there is space for growth" Alice offers with a smirk, Jasper frowns at her.

"What have you seen?" Jasper asks, Alice shrugs and smirks leaning into Pietro's side. "Is this why you disappeared to the hardware store before we left?" Jasper asks Pietro who nods, Jasper looks to Wanda.

"You wanted to talk about living in a cabin somewhere" she points out. Jasper nods and kisses her head.

"Here" Alice hands over the key to Jasper and then pulls at Pietro's arm, he smirks and lifts her up onto his back, Alice chuckles wrapping her arms and legs around him.

"We'll give you some space" Pietro teases with a wink before he disappears with Alice. Jasper huffs a little and wraps an arm around Wanda.

"Shall we?" he asks holding out the key to her, she takes it and they share a look. Wanda shrugs a little and then heads towards the house. "Wait" Jasper stops her and she glances to him confused, he shifts closer to her and then picks her up. "If this is to be our new home" he tells her as she wraps an arm around his neck. "Then I should carry you over the threshold, Mrs Hale" he brushes his nose over her cheek as she smiles. He carries her into the cabin and then sets her down in the centre of the room, his eyes scanning around just as hers do. It's simple and rustic and functional but....perfect. There is a bookcase filled with books in both English and Sokovian. There is a fireplace and a comfy couch. It's beautiful. Wanda smiles and nods. Yes, she can see herself living here with Jasper. He wraps his arm around her holding her close to his side.

"This is home" She tells him warmly, he smiles and nods in agreement.

"Yeah, this is our home" he agrees with her. This is their future.....she is his future.


Ten years Later:

After everything that happened with the Volturi, with them coming for Bella and Edward and their biological daughter, Renesmee, Jasper and Wanda settled in their cabin for good. Before that they stayed mostly with the rest of the family, and spent weekends alone. But it was too stressful on Wanda and her powers. She had a few slips ups, a few broken vases....a window. So Jasper decided that he and she would live full time.....alone. Jasper sits on the small garden chair outside of the cabin, a little bigger than the original one Alice and Pietro had made for them. A book in his hand, his eyes scanning over the words on the page. It's so peaceful this time of day. Wanda works in her little garden, she's attempting to grow vegetables and fruit.....again. Turns out that she's not very good at it. As she has discovered many times over the last decade. Jasper glances up from his book as two children run passed him. Thomas and William. Both with dark red curly hair with golden eyes. They're not real children, but magical constructs formed from Wanda's magic, they grow like real children, they evolve and bond and walk and talk just like real children. And if this is as close as they can get to having their own children, then Jasper is happy. He is more than happy. Wanda lifts up Thomas and smiles warmly at him as William runs around her. Jasper rests his chin in his hand as he just watches his family. He never thought he could have this. For years, he didn't think he deserved this. That this wasn't on the cards for him. But here it is. Wanda, a woman he loves with everything he has inside of him. William and Thomas, sons who are....just like Wanda with, thankfully, only a sliver of him in. A house. A home. A beautiful home. He lets out a soft breath when Wanda looks up across at him, her smile just as wide as his. Happy. They're happy. This is their happily ever after. 

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