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Jasper sits crosses leg across from Wanda as she meditates, it's the most peaceful he's felt in years, just feeding off of her emotions at that moment. Her eyes closed and her hair pulled back from her face, the red mist curling and leaving her hands in waves, they wrap around the wooden blocks between them.

"When we first left Sokovia..." she starts. "Me and Pietro were thirteen" she opens her eyes, her irises glowing a bright red, Jasper watches her. "And we walked all the way to France.....it took us two months in the middle of winter" She smirks a little. "Is why you are not cold to me" he smiles. "We wear....what you call...scraps?" she asks, Jasper frowns before smiling.

"Rags" she nods.

"Rags......." she wiggles her fingers and the mist flutters reaching for the wooden blocks, they float off of the carpet and levitate in the space between them. "I thought we would die....many times.....Pietro always used to say that there was something pushing us forward, he tell me, we must get to London....is our destiny" Jasper smirks. "I used to tease that if destiny cared she would send us somewhere hot instead" he smiles and pushes one of the blocks, it floats around a bit before settling back into formation with the others. "But we had to go to London...we had to meet Doctor List and Baron Strucker...we had to be given these.....powers...so that in time...we would end up here" she looks to Jasper. "With you and Alice....." he smiles as she lowers the blocks. "You have been far kinder to me than anyone that is not Pietro" he shuffles closer and sets the blocks to the side before taking her hand in his.

"Then wait until you meet my mother" he teases leaning closer to kiss her, she smiles against his lips. "She will dote on you both as if you were her own" he brushes his hand over her cheek and she smiles at him, warmly.


"Soon, I promise" he kisses her again before pulling away and pressing his forehead to hers. "My family is going to love you" she smiles.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am....how could they not?"

"Because..." she raises her hand and the mist swirls around her hand, Jasper takes her hand.

"This makes you incredible" he kisses her hand, she smiles.

"I have something for you....a gift"

"You don't have to get me anything" she shrugs.

"It's little thing" she pulls a small red bead bracelet from her wrist and turns it in her hand before sliding it onto his wrist. "When we little out Otecko....our urm...Papa....he used to buy me little red beads" she looks to the bracelet on his wrist and smiles at them. "Every year for our birthday....we did not have much money....but these beads...." he presses his head to hers. "They mean the world to me...." she smiles.

"And the purple?" he asks.

"My mamička...urm...my mother"

"I cannot take this, Wanda...."

"Do you not like it?" he cups her cheek softly.

"It is beautiful but if it is something your parents gave you....."

"And I am giving it to you" she squeezes his wrist. Jasper looks to his other wrist and smiles.

"Then....you take this" he pulls off the small leather band with his family's crest on and takes her wrist and slides it over her hand. "We can call it a swap...."

"It will make you feel better about the beads?" she asks, he nods and smiles. "Then a swap" he kisses her softly and stands.

"I have to be getting back" she nods and looks to her wrist with a smile. "Wanda?" she looks up at him. "I..." she cocks her head. "I'll see you tomorrow?" she smiles.

"Of course" he leans down and kisses her before heading to the window, she rolls her eyes and closes it with her mind, Jasper smirks and turns to her. "Why do you use window? We have door?"

"Open the window, Wanda" he smirks. "Please" she smiles and the window opens.

"I'll miss you," she tells him, he smiles, ridiculously wide as he looks to the window.

"And I'll miss you" he replies before leaving, Wanda looks to the bracelet and traces the crest.


Alice stands, her eyes glazed over, intently watching something in her mind. The woods are all mist and shadows, Emmett and Jasper are closest to her, then the other Cullens, Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie. They're spread out, still as statues, waiting for Alice, ready to spring.

"You sure this is where you saw her?" Jasper asks.

"She's almost here" Alice suddenly spins to Emmet. "On your left" Emmett explodes to his left, Rosalie right behind him. Jasper and Carlisle go wide, looking to cut Victoria off, Esme and Alice following up the rear. Victoria races through the trees, tense but not afraid. Escaping is what she's good at. She reaches---a ravine – she doesn't break stride, just leaps across it—Carlisle pulls up short, yells to Emmett and Rosalie.

"Wait. She's in their territory"

"She'll get away"

"No, she won't" Jasper responds. On the other side of the ravine three giant wolves leap onto the scene and take up the chase after Victoria. The leader is black, enormous (Sam-Wolf). A parallel chase ensues, the wolves and the Cullens keeping to their sides of the ravine, which is the line that demarcates the territories, Victoria leaps back over.

"All ours now" Emmett snarls and the Cullens close in. Emmett grabs hold of her shoulders and hair. They roll head over keester – Victoria uses the momentum to her advantage and flings Emmett off and over her into a tree. She takes the split second he's down to leap back over to wolf-land and keeps running.

"Emmett don't!" But Emmett seeing red flies over the ravine-the second his feet hit the other side-Paul-wolf turns to face him. There's a moment of standoff. It would be simple enough for Emmett to defuse the situation by jumping back-but that's not his style. Paul growls with bravado. That just makes Emmett smile. Victoria is now a safe distance now. She slowly looks back, surprised to see what is happening. She studies the conflict with curiosity. Paul and Emmett charge each other. BAM! They roll dozens of yards in the dirt.

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