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Jasper kisses Wanda's shoulder as she worried her lip. The flight is making her a nervous wreak but he's trying to keep her calm, keep her mind off of the humans currently close by. It may be a private jet but it's still staffed and piloted by humans. He's so proud of her. She's managing to control her thirst, and granted, he may be helping her along with that, but he is still proud. She leans against his side letting him wrap his arm around her.

"How are you holding up?" he asks her softly. She nods a little and clutches to his knee.

"Holding up.....barely" she answers looking up at him. "Are you sure about this?" she asks, he nods and strokes her cheek.

"I am very sure" he admits. "You can do this" she snuggles into him and smiles. "I love you" he tells her softly.

"I love you too" she whispers warmly, he nuzzles into her hair. He really does love the new red color.


Jasper sets his and Wanda's bags down next to the couch as Wanda follows him in, her eyes widening as she looks around. He knew she's like it.

"It's so beautiful" she whispers looking around the small cabin. He knew that she isn't the sort of woman that would like beaches and islands, he knew she would prefer a cabin in the middle of the woods with an old log fire. He knows she likes the sort of place they can curl up and listen to the sounds of the natural world around them. Plus out here there is less risk of human injury. He moves to her and threads his fingers with hers at her side, she smiles warmly at him.

"Wait till you see the bed" he whispers pulling her along the hall towards the bedroom, she smirks a little and then chuckles softly.

"Jaz" she coos, he pulls her closer to him, his lips ghosting over hers.

"I love my wife" he tells her. "So what if I want to spend our honeymoon in bed"

"I want to do more than lounge around in bed" she complains a little. "I want to test out my new...powers" he smiles a little. "I want to know what I can do" he brushes her hair back from her face and smiles proudly at her.

"Oh I just fell so much more in love with you" he admits. "We can do that, and I'll help you in anyway I know" she nods, she knows this. His fingers ghost over her flesh. "You're so beautiful" he whispers. He's so in love with her, right now, and he knows, that every day that comes, he will fall more and more in love with her. His wife. His soulmate. His mate. She turns towards him and he kisses her, lips moving surely against hers. He's never felt this way with anyone, ever. Wanda is the utter love of his life. And he feels that flooding through him. Because this woman is something else. She's overcome so much, and is still this person stood before him, this loving, caring, wonderful person.

"Show me this bed" she whispers against his lips, he smiles and pulls her into the bedroom. He had called ahead wanting to surprise her. So he had the bed decorated with rose petals, there are candles on every surface, soft fabrics draping over the windows casting a romantic red glow on the room. And the bed itself is beautiful. Rustic and hand carved, by Emmett actually for them and this bed will be returning to Forks with them. She touches the post, in layed with swirls and mist. He watches as she smiles tracing the carved representation of her powers.

"It was a gift" he tells her brushing her hair back so he can kiss her neck. "From Emmett" she glances to him. "He worked hard on this" she smiles a little. "And he warned...that's it's sturdy" he mocks in Emmett's voice, she rolls her eyes and turns to face him.

"It's a very thoughtful gift" she assures him. "Remind me to thank him when we go home" he nods and strokes her cheek.

"What do you want to do first?" he asks, she smirks and he can't help but smirk back at her, knowing just what is going on inside her head, she grabs his shirt and pulls him with he as she backs towards the bed.


Jasper strokes his fingers down Wanda's spine as she lays on her front beside him, leaning on an elbow so he can watch his fingers make their journey. She's so beautiful. And he can't think it enough, it doesn't feel enough.

"My wife" he whispers warmly, so full of love. He never thought he would get this. His happily ever after. The longer it went where he and Alice didn't meet their other halves, they just assumed that it would never happen. And then in bounced Wanda and Pietro. Proving them wrong. And now he gets to call this woman his wife. There are things that he wishes they could have. Children; are one. He knows she would make a wonderful mother but that's not something that is in their cards. But that's alright, they have each other and that's all they need. He leans down and kisses her shoulder taking a breath. "My wife" he repeats in her ear and she smiles letting her eyes flicker to his.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now