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Have you ever wondered what it was like to have freedom? I have. I've always wondered what it was like if my parents were still alive. Maybe I would've had a normal childhood, maybe my parents would still be tucking me to sleep at the age of 19 but that's never happened.
My life before my Parents died was so simple, that I only had my five years of freedom. Ever since they died when I was 5, I've been living in foster homes.

No one has adopted me, and I wouldn't blame them because who would want me? I kept moving into foster homes after foster homes, and just as I was about to give up, I finally got a glimpse of freedom. I turned 18. I got to move out of that disgusting place. The man that would watch me would always try and touch me, not just me but the other girls that would live there too. I would lock myself in my room without eating just so that I wouldn't have to see him for days and I guess that's why I'm still skinny.
I was a pretty skinny child, but puberty hit me like a truck. My dark straight hair turned into natural black curls, my lower body changed.

Out of my high school years, I wasn't really big on people. The only person I would talk to was Blythe. She was my best friend, not even my best friend, she was the only family I had besides anybody. I would always go to her house and leave before sundown just so that James (foster parent) wouldn't get suspicious.

Right now I'm signing my way to freedom. Blythe and I just moved into a nice apartment.

Blythe grew up in a very wealthy family. Her family was so welcoming towards me that I felt like apart of theirs too. The money that Blythe and I saved up was for this very day, when we both finally moved out. We were currently packing our stuff and the apartment also came furnished.

After we finished everything, I decided to just lay down on my queen sized bed and just think about everything that just happened.
I'm grateful that I am alive, that I moved out of that hell hole and moved in with my best friend. When ever something bad happens, God always has something good coming your way. When my parents were around, they would take me to church and Sunday school. Ever since they died, my faith was never talented away, it was still there. It's like God gives us challenges to help us see what's really important in life, and the only person that's important to me is Blythe. She's the only one that will always be there for me.

"Hey Athena, I'm going to order Chinese, is that cool?" Blythe asked while grabbing the car keys from the drawer next to me. "Yeaaa just get me noodles." I said and she nodded before leaving.

Ten minutes after she left, I got a call from my boss asking to come in the diner for a late shift. I groaned because I only have one free day, which was today and now he needs me. He always does this and he knows I've been working my ass off. I slightly groan before putting on my dark skinny jeans and my white tight t-shirt that shows the Cleavage. I'm guessing boss liked looking at the workers that way.

I texted Blythe letting her know I had a late shift at the diner and she responded by saying she'll meet me there soon with my food.

Just as I entered the diner, there were a group of men in black suits. Why would they be in a diner, shouldn't they be at some rich restaurant? I went towards the back and took my sweater. I then grabbed my notepad and pen before approaching the men in Black. "Hello, welcome to Zoeys! How may I take your order?" I asked nicely while waiting for them to place their orders. "How bout I just order you?" The man in the corner of the booth said to me while sending me a wink. I couldn't help but shiver in disgust, who would even say that. "We would all like water." The man in front of me said. No please? Ok. I nodded before heading back and grabbing four glasses, filling them up with natural spring water. As I was walking out, I saw Blythe walking in with our food. I have the men their waters before approaching Blythe. "Who are they?" She asked in disgust, "Just some people that don't know their boundaries." I say while sitting down. I grabbed my plastic bowl filled with noodles while she grabbed hers filled with rice.

"You don't understand how happy I am living with you! Like I honestly wanted to get outta that hell hole." Blythe says as her eyes roll back and I can't help but laugh. "I'm happy too, I can't believe I'm living with my best friend!" We both keep giggling before we heard the door open, it was another group of men, in black suits and the one that caught my eye, was the one wearing sunglasses.....in the night?
Before I can process anything that was happening he pulls out his gun and walks towards the other people in black.

"Te l'ho detto, il tuo tempo sarebbe arrivato." He said while smirking at the other guy. "Please, just give me till next month." The guy says while struggling, not knowing where to go. This isn't right, no one, I mean no one should resolve to violence.
[translation- "I told you, your time would
"Hey!" I yelled and the guy in the sunglasses turns around facing me. "Athena what are you doing?! Get down." Blythe whisper shouted to me.

"And who may you be bellisimo?" He asked, the name he just gave me sent shivers down my spine, causing me to gulp.
"It doesn't matter who I am, leave him alone!" I yell while walking up to him but he simply shoved me away. "I'm not afraid to hurt you, I do t care what gender you are." He says with the same smirk.

"Now leave before you get hurt." I look over at the guy who told me he would like to order me, he looked so hopeless right now and I couldn't help but glare at the man in sunglasses. I went towards the back and grabbed a glass before walking up from behind him. I threw the glass near the table causing him to snap his attention towards the table. I mouthed "run" to the men that were just scared to death and they ran towards me. I heard a growl from the man in the sunglasses and noticed that he had picked up his gun and shot every. Single. One. Of them.

Including me.

My Mafia PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora