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"portala in una stanza medica, più velocemente sarà guarita prima che se ne vada" I growl at everyone as I gave I'm guessing her name is Athena to them. [get her t a medical room, the faster she's healed the sooner she'll leave]

If I'm being honest, I want to fuck her before she leaves. Like just a couple of times before I'm tired of her. And I know I'll get to have that because...who can resist me?

"Lorenzo!" I shout but no response. Where the fuck is he?
"Boss!" I heard Damien call. "Yea, Whats  going on?"
I ask
"Why is the girl here?" He asked and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean, she needed medical attention." I say to him, as I'm about to walk away he stops me.
"But....you never helped anyone, you never really cared. Why now?" He asked and I actually thought for a moment. He was right.

Why now?

Maybe because I want my cock in her mouth but at the same time, she wanted to help them. Wait, did she know them?

Fuck, I can't fuck an enemy. But what if she's not?
Doesn't matter, I'm still gonna fuck her. If she's an enemy I'll just blow her head off.....simple.

"She's my best friend, I don't want to loose her." I heard the blondes muffled voice from Lorenzo's room. Oh no.
"Don't worry, your not gonna loose her, we'll make sure of that." I heard Lorenzo's voice in the background. They were silent again and I feel like maybe this girl is for Lorenzo. She looked alone but I think he can fix that.

As for me, I'll live my life happy like this. Eat, fuck, kill, sleep, RePeAt! Or maybe shoot someone by Accident as well

It's been a few hours and I decided to check up on Athena. As I walked in the room, she was already up, glancing up at the ceiling.

"com'era il tuo sonno bambina" I asked her as she stared at me. She shivered for a moment before clearing her throat. "Speak english you jack, I don't understand you." She croaked our, clearly needing some water. I grabbed her a bottle in the cabinet next to us and handed it to her. She gulped the whole thing in two seconds, showing she was clearly thirsty.

"I said, good morning." I say, leaving the beautiful part out. Don't know why I did, it's not like I cared what she thinks. "Sounded like you said more than that." She muttered and I chuckled.
"So when can I leave? I think I'm fine. Even though it hurt like hell getting the bullet out my thigh, I think I'll manage." She says and a slight shiver creeps up on my as she mention me shooting her thigh. "Still can't believe you shot me!" She squealed out and I roll my eyes. "By accident." I remark and her eyes widened before she glared at me. "Yeaa, you know you owe me your life for accidentally almost KILLING ME!"
"Fine, what do you want. I'll give it to you." I say looking at her dead in the eye. I was hoping she'll say to eat her out but all she did was shake her head.
"I don't want anything from you, you've already done enough and I would like to go home now."

"Fine." I huff out of annoyance.

"Boss!" Damien says while out of breath. "The Mexicans, they want the girls." He says while looking at Athena.
"How do they know about them?" I ask while I felt the blood from my face went cold
"Apparently the Brazilians and the Mexicans have teamed up to take over your Mafia. They were watching you from a distance and saw the two girls, the think they would....meet their needs." He finished off.
"Athena, you can't stay here anymore."
"What do you mean I can't stay here? I want to go home. Where's Blythe?!" Fuckk she asks so many questions.
"Your not safe here anymore, if you would've just left my business alone, then none of this shit would've happened. You out this upon yourself. We're leaving in two hours. No questions." I say and she slowly nodded her head, but her frown deepens. It makes me upset seeing her like this.

"Where are we going?" She asked


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