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"I really don't want to go." Athena groans in my ear as we get on our private jet. "It's not like you have anything to loose." I point out and she glares.
"How would you know?" She asked while folding her arms together. "Because Athena, I like others I actually do my research." I said while flashing a sarcastic smile and she scoffs.

"Blythe, are your really ready to leave everything behind?" I heard Athena ask Blythe in the corner. It made me upset that she didn't want to go. Why wouldn't she want to leave?
"No, it's a good thing we are leaving. I've wanted to get out of this place for the longest time." I hear Blythe say but Athena just groans. "You should be happy too, two hot guys taking us in? Come on, theres no fucking way your not fantasizing about Sandro, I wouldn't be cause I've got my eyes on someone else." She says and I couldn't help but smirk. "That's not the point Blythe." I hear her groan out of frustration but Blythe just laughs.

"Stop waves dropping on girls conversations." Lorenzo pops out while laughing. "She's got eyes for you, eh?" I point towards Blythe and back at Lorenzo and he just smiled while staring at her. "She's so broken." He says while his smile fades away before staring deeply at her. "But that's what makes her perfect, she's not afraid to come at you." He says and I notice that Blythe was staring at him too while blushing deeply.

"Aren't you scared?" I ask reflecting on what love meant to me. "Of what?" He asked

"Falling in Love. Remember what happened last time? All girls are the fucking same and you can't trust none of them." I state out while looking over at Athena who was smiling. She looks just like Ella, but father always told me looks can be deceiving.

"Athena is nothing like Ella, Alessandro. You can't let the fucking past affect what you think now. I actually want a kid, I want to start a family because that's something that I know ca make me happy. I know for sure that your not happy because your just afraid to admit that you need someone." He says and I can't help but glare at him.

"I'm fucking happy the way I'm living right now, jus because I accidentally shoot some girl, doesn't mean I'm in love with her." He decides to roll his eyes at me.
"Whatever you say." He says and walks away.

What the fuck was that?


I wasn't going to lie and say that I didn't feel an attraction towards him but I don't. Maybe it's just his looks but his personality definitely matches the way he looks. He looks like a devil, a sexy devil. But if he was a little nicer, then maybe the feelings I'm feeling right now would expand.

"Athena, wake up. We're here." I heard Blythe's voice. My eyes started to flutter and was almost blinded by the sun shining through the window. "What time is it?" I asked her while getting up.

"Almost 5" she answered bluntly while she gave me my bag. I couldn't believe I was finally in Italy. Who would've thought that I would go to places?

"Athena?" I heard Lorenzo's voice peek from behind me. "Yea, what's going on?" I ask and he smiles. "I know you may think he's a dick, or a jack or whatever you want to call him but please just give him a chance." He said and he sounded so broken for him. I didn't need to know who he was talking about because clearly he was talking about Alessandro.
I slowly nodded my head before he led me out the plane.
Blythe and I rode together while Lorenzo and Alessandro took a different SUV.
"So....Lorenzo...." I start off and she blushes.
"All my life you've been pushing boys away, what makes this one so different?" I ask out of curiosity.
"Because Athena, he does his own thing. He knows how to find his own happiness and he doesn't follow other people around. He does his own shit and I respect that."

"Wow, I never thought of it that way." I responded
"Maybe you should, atleast with Sandro." She says and I scoff while rolling my eyes.
"Even if I did like him, I could never get him. I'm pretty sure every girl would be head over heals for someone that looked like a Greek god. He'll probably go for some girl that's like a model or has nice legs or has everything that I don't have Blythe. I'm just....me and he'll go for someone like them." I felt stupid for even feeling an attraction towards him when he felt nothing towards me.

"You never know." She concluded before closing her eyes.
An hour later we pulled up at a house....I lied, more like a mansion, or a building. Who could live in all this space?
"Blythe, we're here." I said while slightly shaking her body. She groaned before opening her eyes and getting out of the car. We grabbed our bags from the trunk before heading inside.
As I walked in, the walls were covered in glass which you could see afar from. If I went up to a room and if it was covered in glass I would not want it. What if people are walking by the neighborhood and they see me naked?

I decided to just get comfortable before Alessandro and Lorenzo got here.
"You must be Athena? Or Blythe?" A British boy with brown hair who looked about my age approached me. "Athena." I said while smiling. "Damien." He said while stretching his arms out towards me to shake.

After getting to know Damien, he seems very quiet. He's more observant of things and I like that.

Now all I gotta do is just stay hear till Alessandro figures out his shit and then I can finally go home.

Where I belong.

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