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I don't wanna bore you with details about this book, but I will say that it was inspired by MiaStoryline 's "Lost of Color" book
I suggest you check it out! They are very talented at writing
Anyways, off we go


America had always been a very strange country.
He stood out from the rest of the countries like a bright light in a dark room compared to literally all the other countries.
He was always loud, cracking jokes, and to be honest, obnoxious.
No one has ever seen America sad,
It's like he is a robot, just following rules, except he isn't bland like a robot, he is all happy and cheerful.
Though everything changed , out of the blue sort of..
He's been, oddly down for a while, every other country I have asked has just shrugged it off.
"It's probably just a phase."
"Eh, he's probably doing it for attention, per usual.."
Blah blah blah.
I'm looking into what might have happened to him, asking family members and friends about what happened, hoping they would at least give me some ans-

Germany got interrupted in his writing as his phone buzzed, signaling he had a message.
He dropped the pen, shaking his hand and moving his fingers, hearing a few cracks.
He used this hand to grab the phone, turning it on and wincing at the brightness, quickly lowering it.
He saw that Austria has messaged him, saying that they had a meeting tommorow.
Yeah, as if Germany would have forgotten.
He skipped over Austria's other message, it most likely saying that he 'needed sleep' or whatever.
He looked back at his journal and pen, reaching his hand over and grabbing the pen carefully, finally able to finish his sentence..

-wers about what might have happened to America.
Till then, I'll keep coming back here and reporting about all the information I find out about.

- Germany

He dropped the pen and slammed his journal closed, feeling tired of writing for now.
He turned around in his swivel chair, getting up and smoothing out his clothes before turning back to the chair and pushing it back into the desk.
He took a glance at his bed, walking over to it and grabbing his jacket on the bed, before turning and taking soft steps to walk out of the room.
He grabbed the door knob, opening it carefully and walking out, leaving the door open.
He put on his jacket as walked past his German Shepard, Dirk, sleeping peacefully on the rug in the living room, right next to the fire.
Not wanting to bother the sleeping dog, he quickly walked straight to the balcony doors, opening them and walking out, this time closing the doors carefully.
He felt the breeze move his jacket as he crossed his arms over himself, turning around to the night sky, littered with bright stars.
He walked forward and placed his crossed arms on the railing and stared up at the stars, letting the breeze of the night calm him down.

"Sooner or later America."

He thought to himself.

"I will find out about what you are hiding."

Eh I know it's kinda boring now, but it will get better later, promise
Updates will most likely be slow, considering I'm still working on my one shot book

But I hope you stick around for more

Pale (COUNTRYHUMANS)Where stories live. Discover now