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Canada watched as the American left the meeting in a panic
He wanted to try and talk to him, but he couldn't even get America's attention because he was already gone
Canada took a deep breath in and out, standing up from the uncomfortable seat and making sure to push it in
He would usually walk home with his other two brothers and all of that, but today, he just felt like walking by himself
He walked out the doors, making sure to hold it open for the countries leaving behind him, all of them saying a thank you to the very kind Canadian
Canada instinctively smiled and said a welcome to them, walking out after them
He hummed as he started walking down the side walk, in no rush to get home, unlike someone we know
He grabbed his phone and unlocked it, going to messages and clicking Americas contact
He immediately started spamming him, chuckling slightly at the fact the American might yell at him for blowing up his phone
After he felt satisfied with his work, he stopped and went on the calling app, clicking on Russia's contact
Don't ask how he got it, he literally has every country's phone number
He decided to call him, holding the phone up to his ear and biting his nails, a habit
He stopped walking as soon as he heard him pick up the phone


"Please, tell me the truth"

The Canadian said quietly, cutting the Russian off before he could even finish his sentence

"What do you mean by truth?"

"You know what I mean, Russia. About America?"

The phone call went silent for a few seconds, before he heard the Russian speak again

"..I told the truth at the meeting, Canada. What else do you want from me?"

"I wanna know if he is ok"

The Canadian mumbled, hoping Russia actually heard him

"America is fine, he just has a cold. I bet he will be back up and running in a few days, ok?"

Russia assured Canada, the Canadian believing in him

"Alright alright, fine, thank you Russia"

"No problem"

Canada hung up the phone, shoving it back in his pocket and walking again, hoping that Russia was right

In the meantime, America was finally able to get up and leave without disturbing Sam
He now sat in the living room, for some reason feeling a bit dizzy
He scrolled through all of Canadas useless messages annoyingly, rolling his eyes at them as he clicked out of his contact, going on Instagram to scroll through there
He rolled around on the couch, trying to find a comfortable spot, but he just couldn't, so he got up and went to go to his room
He was almost there, before he felt a strange feeling to throw up, and he panicked, running back to the bathroom and making it just in time
He threw up in the toilet, put it felt more painful on his neck then the other times when he threw up
After that, he felt the feeling go away and he looked confused, standing up weakly and going over to the sink, splashing water on his face and getting the water off with a towel, kind of gagging at the disgusting after taste in his mouth
He looked at himself in the mirror for the third time today, and what he saw absolutely scared the shit out of him
There were little black speckles in his eyes, some small, some big, but they were all over
As if a flicker just turned on, he felt his eyes sting painfully, and he yelped
He covered his eyes and backed up against the door, making it slam against the wall as he fell to his knees, the pain in his eyes being scream worthy, but he didn't wanna bother his neighbors
He felt tears come out of his eyes as he rubbed his eyes, hoping the pain would just go away and that he was just imagining everything, but a little part of him knew this was not fake and he was actually living through this
The pain calmed down to a bearable amount, and he took his hands off his eyes, still keeping them shut as he stood up shakily
He put out his hands to feel for the sink, and when he did he let himself lean on it
He opened both of his eyes, and his eyes had to get adjusted to the light again, making him squint
When they finally got used to it, he I noticed his vision did not look different, so that made made him rethink that he was just imagining that pain
Until, he looked towards himself in the mirror, and his jaw dropped in horror
His eyes were pitch black
He backed up, then ran to his room, mumbling 'no' over and over
He ran to his bedroom mirror and saw the same thing, his eyes were pitch black
He felt all kinds of emotions now, pain, anger, sadness, and worry
He pinched his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming, and, he wasn't
He then calmed himself down and sat on his bed, then moving up to lay down
He closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath, mabye sleeping will get rid of this.

Oh boy

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