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Lets go lesbians lets go
The front door opened to reveal Kiwi, and the smaller country quickly moved out of the way so Aussie and Nada could come in
The two older siblings walked in the house as Kiwi shut the door, and Aussie immediately started to look around, so did the other two
It was until they all heard panicked meowing in America's room, and ran up towards the room
They all expected to see America there, but he wasn't, instead they found the meowing cat trying to reach the window
Lets go back in time, shall we?

Sam had just left America's house, and as soon as the house became empty, America's window opened all the way, a certain country smoothly jumping in
Can you guess who it is? Cause I'm not telling you ;')
The country just wanted to talk to America, but they quickly saw the state America was in, and they let out a sigh
They grabbed America carefully, before going out the window and jumping out as smooth as they got in, going to their car, and driving to the hospital with the passed out American

Back to the present!
Sam did smell the different scent of the country, but the cat wasn't a search cat, so he didn't know where the country was or who it was
The three brothers looked panicked
Canada turned to Aussie and Kiwi

"Check around the entire house, I'll look in here"

The other two nodded and ran off
Canada started to look around the room for anything out of the ordinary
It seems like this country was very good at breaking into houses, cause they didn't drop anything or leave any evidence
Except one thing..
The window, the cat was meowing at it still, of course
They left the window open, and Canada ran over to it, hoping to catch someone, but there was no one in sight
The Canadian quickly left the room, Sam following after him
Aussie and Kiwi were waiting right at the steps, talking
They both turned to Canada and the cat and shook their heads

"We can't find anything, I suggest we look around town and ask"

The Canadian nodded to that, and they all left the house, of course, taking the cat

Meanwhile, in the hospital!
Wow, thank god for this country haha, I was starting to believe America was fucked
The country carried America in, and the doctors took him to a empty room and immediately got to work
The strange country was told to wait in the waiting room, and they refused, just saying that they were dropping him off
And they left the hospital
But they were quickly stopped when they bumped into a certain British man

"Oh! Sorry!"

The British said, turning around to see the unknown country gone
He shrugged and walked into the hospital, walking to the usual room
He opened the door, walking in and shutting it quietly, not wanting to disturb his love
He walked up to the bed and put his hand softly on her's

"You've been here for a while, I'm starting to wonder if you will ever wake up"

The Brit said to his wife, bringing her hand up and kissing her hand

"But, you don't have to worry, my love for you will never fade"

He mumbled that time to France, and he swore he saw a smile on her face
He looked at the life support that was keeping her alive, wanting to put her out of her misery, but he knew he couldn't as his eyes turned back to his wife

"The doctors say you have a week left, if you don't wake up with this coma, you will be..happier?"

He simply did not want to say that she will die, instead putting the phrase in lighter words
Britain sighed and leaned forward, kissing her head

"I long to see your smile again, darling"

You know, that unknown country really reminds me of someone I know, I just can't put my finger on it!

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