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America woke up, feeling more tired then ever as he sat up lazily
He rubbed his eyes and heard a buzzing noise, and right away he thought it would have been a fly because of how tired he was, but he caught up with himself and grabbed his ringing phone
He turned the phone around to see Canada calling him, and he clicked answer, putting the phone up to his ear as he stood up


He said tiredly into the phone, and thankfully, Canada was not like Australia or New Zealand, and did not yell at him

"Bro, you sound tired"

"That's cause I just woke up dingus"

"Ok ok, just wanted to call and remind you that you have like..an hour to get ready to go to dad's house"

Instead of panicking, the country stayed calm, too tired to actual try and freak out

"Alright, I'll see you there"

America said, ending the phone call before his brother could even talk back
He walked to his closet and opened it, dragging his finger across his clothes as he thought
His father sure was fancy, but I think he gave up hope on America by now, so he shrugged, grabbing a pair of jeans and a hoodie
He left his room and went into the bathroom, throwing his new clothes onto the ground
He walked over and turned on his shower, then changing out of clothes from yesterday
He got into the cold shower, yes he knew it was odd, but cold showers just calmed him down more
He closed his eyes, just letting the water fall onto him
His one mistake was opening his eyes, and then looking down
There, he saw red and blue color mixed with the water on the shower ground
He thought to himself, he didn't have any color powder on him or anything, so what else could it be
Ah, fuck
He quickly got out of the shower, panicked
He got his towel and put it on his face, taking it off and seeing that some of his flag color was printed onto it

"Ok, so first the eyes, now THIS?!!"

He yelled, leaving the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, making sure to grab his new clothes as well
He dried off quickly, then got changed, walking over to his mirror again once he was finished everything
And low and behold, most of his stripes were gray, and there were small patches of gray in the blue of his flag, the white staying the same, obviously
He looked at himself shocked
Why was this happening? Why were his eyes black and why did the color come off him so..quick?
He backed away from the mirror, horrified at himself as he grabbed his phone, seeing he had like..40 minutes left
He walked out of his room, seeing Sam sitting on the kitchen counter, grooming himself
The curious cat looked up to see America, and America knew what he had to do next
He went over to the cat and leaned his head forward, the cat leaning forward as well and rubbing his forehead on America's for a second
America heard a satisfied pure come from the cat as he leaned back, giving the cat a quick scratch at the back of his ears, walking into the kitchen and going into the cabinet and grabbing the cat food, pouring it into Sam's bowl, then putting it away
He made sure to give the pampered cat water and a treat next to his bowl, walking to his couch and sitting down on it lazily, going on his phone to see Canada had messaged him

Canada: I'm picking you up to go to Dads house, cause he doesn't want you to be late

America chuckled at that, turning off his phone and turning on the TV, watching whatever just turned on as he waited for his Canadian brother

Around 30 minutes later, a knock came from the front door, and America rolled off of the couch, falling onto the floor but quickly jumping up
He walked over to his door, fixing his sunglasses he had put on, before opening up the door, seeing a very bored Canada twirling his keys
He jumped when the door opened, but smiled at America

"Yo, you ready to gooo- whatt is wrong with your flag dude?"

Canada asked, the smile quickly leaving his face as he became worried for his brother
America walked out and closed the door, walking past Canada

"Face paint"

America said simply, the Canadian shook his head, catching up to America


"You heard me, it is face paint"

"Well yeah I heard you, I'm not deaf, but why did you put face paint on?"

"Why not?"

Canada sighed in defeat, not bothering to fight with his brother anymore
They both walked to Canada's car, getting in and buckling in, well, Canada buckled in, America didn't

"Whatever, if we crash, you can perish and snap your back I guess"

Canada said, making America's jaw hang open

"That sounded so passive aggressive, dude"

He said, chuckling very weakly as he placed his chin on his hand, looking out the window as Canada started to drive to a certain British household

Timeskip sponsored by passive aggressive Canada!!

After the long car ride, Canada stopped the car and nudged the sleeping america, making the American jump, glaring at Canada before noticing they were stopped, and he nodded to himself, opening the door and slipping out of the car, the Canadian soon following, unbundling and getting out, making sure to lock the car
Both countries walked side by side to the house, stopping right in front of the door

"You ready?"


America responded truthfully, making Canada smirk
Canada leaned forward and knocked on the door, hearing multiple barks
Around 30 seconds later, the door opened up to reveal New Zealand, smiling as he held back the three corgis from running outside

"Come in now, I can't hold these three for long"

Kiwi said, Canada and America nodding and walking in the house, immediately attacked by the adorable corgis
Zealand nodded at the two, walking back over to the living room, where Austrailia was sitting, looking very bored
Canada grabbed a corgi, walking over to the the couch to talk to his siblings, america deciding to stand and look around his old home

America ended up walking far away from the living room, looking at an old family photo of him, France, Britain, and Canada
The US didn't look too pleased in the photo, and neither did UK, on the other hand, France was smiling lightly while Canada was smiling like a goofball
America touched the photo, wiping off a bit of dust
Though, he heard a strict British voice directly next to him, jumping when he felt a hand on his shoulder

"America? What is wrong with your flag?"

Oop, looks like a cliffhanger has appeared-


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