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Britain smiled and waved as he watched his sons leave
They only stayed for around an hour after America dramatically left, Canada having to ride with Aussie and Kiwi since America took the other car
Once they were out of view, he shut the door, breathing out a sigh he didn't even know he was holding in, turning away from the door and walking towards his room, but stopping to look at the picture of France on the wall
He stared at his love for around 10 seconds, before walking away, mumbling to himself a bit
He walked up the stairs and took gentle steps towards his room, opening the door to it and shutting it
He took off his precious top hat and threw it to the floor in anger
He was mad at himself clearly, as he started pacing around the room with his hands on his heads
The truth is, he obviously knew what was happening to America, but he just wanted to deny it
He didn't wanna believe that history was repeating itself
First France, now his own son?
He didn't show that he cared for his eldest son, but he really did in fact care
He has always wanted the best for his son, praying that he will end up better then he did, but clearly, that didn't work
He took his hands off his head, staring at the floor as the tears fell from his eyes silently and painfully
He sat on the edge of his bed, bringing his hand up and starting to play with the ring on his finger, desperately wishing that France was here to help him

"I am so sorry I'm like this, darling"

He said to the ring, chuckling a little
He almost heard the faint and soft laughter of his beloved
He closed his eyes and put his hands on his forehead again, leaving himself to think about what he was gonna do

Unlike their father, the three sons didn't exactly realize what was happening to the American, all of them believing their fathers words
And not worrying about America
Canada sat in the passenger side as Aussie drove, Kiwi in the back
Canada watched the passing scenery quietly as the other two also stayed quiet
It seemed all three of them were in their own world by now, all of them might have been thinking of the same topic, maybe not
Canada let out a sigh

"I really do feel like our father is hiding something from us, I just can't tell"

The Canadian said, not tearing his eyes away from the nature outside his window
He heard Aussie let out a sigh as well

"The best we can do right now is hope things are ok, and that Britain is right"

"America has been a little off lately"

Kiwi said right after Aussie, almost mumbling
The other two brothers in the front just nodded

"I'll ask merica about it.."

Canada responded to his younger brother, the silence returning to the three of them as they drove home

America slammed shut his door, completely and utterly done at everything that has been happening
He spared a glance at Sam, who was sleeping on the couch
Well, was, the cat looked pretty annoyed by the slam, getting up and off the couch
America ignored that and stomped up to his room, opening the door roughly and not even bothering to shut it
He planned on going and laying down on his bed, but he only made it two steps into his room before falling onto his knees
The country started coughing violently, hitting his fist against the ground in pain as he slumped down to the floor
There was pain all through his body as tears flowed down his cheeks, his sobs being replaced with coughs
Sam heard this, and ran up the stairs as fast as his four legs could take him entering the room to see merica on the floor, passed out from exhaustion and pain
The cat walked forward a bit, nudging the country
When he received no response, the cat ran down the stairs and out the mail window in the door, sprinting to a certain neighbor's door and clawing on it, meowing loudly

Aussie finally pulled up to Canada's house, stopping the car so the Canadian could get out, but he quickly noticed something

"Nada, why is Sam at your doorrr?"

The Aussie asked, and Canada widened his eyes, opening the door and running to the cat, Kiwi and Australia following behind
The cat turned to see Canada, and started running towards Merica's house
All three countries noticed that Sam ran through the mail opening, and they all groaned
Canada tried to open the door, but to no avail, the door was locked
Kiwi quickly ran to the side of the house, yelling a 'wait a second!"
While the younger country was gone, Aussie took this chance to ask some questions

"Why are you so panicked Nada? And why are we following America's cat?"

"When Sam wants to come over, he usually goes through my open window, I've noticed he claws at my door when America is in trouble.."

"Wait, so this has happened before?"

"Only once, but all I know is that we need to get in there and help America"

What? I can't spoil too much
Plz no hate lol

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