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As soon as the German left the hospital, he broke out in a run towards his house, hoping Russia wouldn't follow him
Surprisingly, he could run pretty fast on his stick legs, and since he lived close, he was able to get home quickly
He almost ran into his front door, but he stopped himself, stuffing his hand in his pocket and grabbing his keys
He pulled them out and shoved the key into the lock on the door, opening the door and rushing in, slamming his door shut and locking it once he was inside, which scared Dirk
The German Shepard quickly calmed down, but it didn't lay back down, instead leaving the room
Germany rushed over to his room
Once there, he walked in and shut his door, locking that one as well
He quickly walked over to his book shelf and went to the side, pushing it to the side
He managed to push it away, only to reveal a wood handle, which Germany grabbed and opened the door, opening it and walking in
Damn, Germany
He walked down a hallway leading to the room, everything around him was bright white, almost blinding him, but he got used to it
He opened the door at the end and walked in
Around the room, there was a bunch of equipment, some of it old as fuck, some of it brand new
He went over to a empty test tube and grabbed the needle out of his pocket and put it next to the tube
He carefully took the needle out of the bag, dripping it into the tube
It was only a little blood, but it was good enough for Germs over here
Once the needle was empty, he went over and threw it out
While near the trash can, he looked up at a refrigerator
He let out a sigh and opened it, pulling out another test tube with blood in it
He placed the old one next to new one
He backed up and looked at them together


He grumbled
On the old test tube, he had taped and wrote 'France's blood'
That reminded him, he went over to the table and grabbed the tape and the pen
He ripped off a piece of tape, placing it carefully around the new one and writing

"America's blood"

He took a few steps back, just to observe both of them together
They both looked, the same? They were both a weird black color
He hummed as he walked over to another table, grabbing some gloves and putting them on, looking at the equipment on the table in front of him

"Alright, time to crack this case"


Back in America's head, everything was, oddly quiet, like if someone talked it would make it even more awkward quiet
The 51 of them talked about theories for a little, but they all decided to just ignore it, hoping that the outside world was going ok
Well, it was all good, until now
There was a cracking sound going through the room, like, when a rock breaks in half, or when the ground breaks under your feet, like in those movies!
Yeah, that is the sound
Everyone looked confused, well, almost everyone
Arizona turned to look at the state next to him, who was staring at his cracking arms in horror
The state that was freaking out?
Yeah, that's Iowa
Iowa quickly scrambled to his feet, but fell back down as soon as he was almost up, starting to scream in pain as he sobbed, screaming "NO!" over and over
Arizona slid over to the helpless state and hugged him, and Iowa clinged to Arizona, Iowa stopping his screaming and now sobbing
They both knew damn well there was nothing they could do to stop this
Just as everyone thought this couldn't get any worse, Wyoming stood up and turned around, holding his stomach as he threw up this weird black liquid, it came out of his mouth way too smoothly
California went over to Wyoming quickly, now both Arizona and Cali just comforting the states in pain, well, not for long at least
Arizona felt himself hugging air, and he quickly opened his eyes to see Iowa gone
The state stood up and looked at the ground, seeing only pieces of rock and rubble below him
Wyoming had the same fate as Iowa, unfortunately
All of the states stared in horror at what just happened

"O-oh my god"

North Carolina mumbled, staring at the dust in absolute horror
Two states had just..disappeared, out of nowhere
America looked around at his states, just to check, and he quickly caught onto the fact that Kentucky was holding his stomach, tears coming out of his eyes as he shot his head up towards America


He whispered sorrowfully, his tears flowing down his cheeks as he leaned on Alabama, who was next to him
The state held back his screams quite painfully as he started to disappear, clinging to Alabama as he pleaded for his life, the other state just whispering sweet nothings to him
Kentucky looked up at Alabama one last time, hearing him whisper

"You're gonna be ok"


Haha, pp

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