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Back at China's house
The 9 states in the basement were angry, every emotion in their bodies could only be described as rage
New York was still greatly traumatized, and flinched and jumped whenever someone came close or raised their hand
Other then that, they haven't really been fed, which has cause a slight decrease in each of the state's weight
Speaking of, Oregon's stomach growled as groaned

"I'm hungry.."

"Yeah, we all are hungry"

Texas replied in a snarky tone, and Oregon rolled his eyes
The door to the basement slammed open and New York and all the other states jumped
China and Confederacy came rushing down the stairs, and the states looked at them with anger filled eyes

"Can you please feed us?"

"Yeah, I'll feed you after you join up with me

California looked horrified

"Why now? Why didn't you do it earlier?"

"Cause I was waiting till I got all the states, but that probably won't happen, so why not now"

None of the states budged, they were scared of forming with Confederacy, which would go aganist America
China crossed his arms as he watched

"We promise we will treat you better"

"How do we know we can believe you?"

Alabama challenged Confederacy, and he looked towards China, who breathed out a sigh, before looking towards the states

"Cmon guys, the other states haven't even tried to come for you, what is the point?"

This new point seemed to shock the states
I mean, he was right, no states or countries have come by to try and get them

"T-they'll come by, it's just taking them long-"

"Oh yeah? Where are they? No country nor state has even stopped by at my door, it's either join or waiting and hoping for nothing"

The states looked very hurt by this, and confederacy had to hide his surprise
Mississippi was the first one to stand up and nod

"They..forgot about us.."

Texas looked over and shook his head

"What- no! They didn't-"

"They did! Did you not just hear him?! I thought they would at least TRIED to come by, the other states witnessed us get kidnapped, we've been here for days, Texas?! It's better then sitting and waiting for some people who forgot about us.."

Mississippi yelled back, and Texas shook his head

"Mis, please.."

The state that was called glared at Texas before walking over to confederacy
The Confederate held out his hand for Mis to take, and he hesitated for a second, before taking it and getting pulled in
There was a bright light for only a second, and when it finally decreased, Mississippi was gone, and there was finally a star on Confederacy's flag
China looked towards the states to see Illinois getting up, and California looked up, before getting up as well
Texas and New York shared a glance, and both of them had the same thought, the states were betraying America and the others
In just 10 seconds, California and Illinois were gone, and there was now three stars on Confederacy's flag
Oregon stood up and looked at the other 6

"Cmon guys, it's better then nothing"

"I'd rather starve, go ahead and join him, you traitor"

New York muttered back, and Oregon looked hurt
He huffed and walked towards Confederacy and joined him, 4 stars
Michigan looked like he was debating, and Texas whipped his head towards him

"Michigan, don't you dare"

"I didn't even stand up, Tex!!"

Michigan yelled back, and Texas crossed his arms
Alabama slowly stood up, and so did Tennessee
They both looked at each other, then at Texas, who looked very disappointed
New York sunk more into the corner of the room as Tennessee and Alabama walked towards Confederacy and joined him, 6 stars
Michigan huffed and stood up, tears starting to flow down Texas's cheeks as he shook his head

"I clearly can't stop you, so go ahead.."

Michigan looked saddened by this, and tried to reach out towards Texas, but the other moved back before he could be touched
Mich sighed as he moved away

"Texas, think wisely here, would you rather join or be forced to join..?"

Tex looked up, not bothering to stop his tears that were currently soaking his cheeks
Mich smiled reassuringly at Tex, though if you looked close, you could really see he did not wanna do this
He moved away and walked towards Confederacy, joining him like the other 6
Just New York and Texas left
New York had his body fully turned towards the wall, and Texas slowly walked over to him
He went onto his knees and put a hand on his back, and York flinched
He turned and looked at the Texan, who was smiling

"Let's do it together, okay?"

York looked towards the two countries, who were staring at them him with hope in their eyes
York looked back towards the other state and nodded, mumbling so only Texas could hear

"If a single bad thing happens, I'm revolting"

"I'm with you on that one"

York let out a quiet laugh, it sounded weak
Texas stood up and held out his hand, York gladly taking it and standing up
They both walked towards Confederacy, joining him
China looked at the other country, seeing that he now had 9 stars on his flag
The Confederate looked shocked, turning to smile at China

"Damn, I didn't think that would work"

"How do you feel?"

The country stopped and looked at his hands, then put a hand on his own cheek

"I feel..good, they aren't trying to revolt"

China smiled and nodded, and both countries walked out of the basement
Perfect timing
"America" and the others were standing outside the door of China's house
Canada looked over as America breathed out a sigh, and he put a hand on his shoulders
the brother's looked towards each other and smiled
Ame turned back towards the door and raised a hand, knocking on it
Confederacy raised an eyebrow hearing the knock on the door, and him and China walked towards it
Confederacy opened it with China behind him, and smirked seeing a certain someone standing in front of him

"Ah finally, it's good to see you again, America"

Haha, I'm sorry, but like, not yet

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