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In America's head, everyone was annoyed, or scared
The Confederacy had brought all of his old states into a room to talk, including Oklahoma, for some reason
Everyone else was pissed, Alaska and Hawaii were trying to comfort America, he was pretty hurt at the moment
How could he leave that monster with his states for all these years? What does he know about his states?
Everyone heard a door slam open, and Texas came stomping out, furious
Confederacy was just smirking, walking out with all the other states, who looked just as mad as Texas
The Confederate looked like he was about to walk towards Texas and the others, but Pennsylvania quickly moved and got in front of him
Pennsylvania stared straight at Confederacy, now even more mad

"What did you tell them?!"

The Keystone state yelled, and Confederacy walked towards the state, not looking imitated at all

"Oh, I just proposed a deal, no biggie, would the oh so brave Pennsylvania like to hear what this deal was, hm?"

The Confederacy said in a little baby voice, obviously sarcastic as he was now towering over Pennsylvania
Penn felt himself become a bit scared, but he beat him once, he can beat him again
The state shook his head, and Confederacy's smirk fell into a frown
Confederacy roughly grabbed the state's arm, and America snapped his head towards the two, New Jersey looking furious as he stood up and glared coldly at Confederacy
Jersey started to walk quickly towards the past country, but he was held back by York, who didn't want Jersey to get hurt as well
The Confederate just chuckled at the smaller state starting to yell, but he focused his attention back on Penn
He pulled the state up quickly towards him so they were facing each other, and Penn yelped in pain, automatically struggling to get away from the Confederate, as the grip the country had was too tight
America started to walk towards the two, and the other country looked up at him

"You get any closer, I'll hurt him again"

America stopped in his tracks at that

"You bitch"

"You pussy"

Ohio took this chance to strike, since he was distracted
The Buckeye state went forward and kicked the Confederacy in the knee, hard, making the country's fall onto one leg and wince
Penn realized his grip was loosened and he immediately jumped away, America quickly grabbing the traumatized state and hugging him
A small growl-type-noise erupted from the Confederacy's throat, but he wasn't gonna fight with a bunch of weak states and country
He stood up, a small limp from the kick
He chuckled at Pennsylvania's clinging to America, seemingly unfazed by what just happened, he just wanted to scare the poor state
He dusted himself off a bit, his limp pretty much gone already
He looked up towards the southern states, who were all giving him a cold shoulder
He just shrugged at that

"You guys better start listening to me sooner or later, I'm the one that is right here-"

"Why in the bloody hell would you be right?!"

Vermont yelled, a few states nodding in agreement
Seems like the Confederate was being hated on, but was that gonna make him leave? No, of course not, he was just gonna go and disappear again, pussy

"Cmonn, you guys hate me, but haven't done anything about this one's flag yet?"

He gestured towards Mississippi, who was looking at the ground awkwardly when he got called out

"Leave, confederacy"

Louisiana mumbled, and the confederacy raised an eyebrow

"Whatt? Why, are you still mad at me-"

"Why wouldn't we be mad at you!?"

Alabama yelled this time, and the country scoffed

"Hey, I wasn't that bad, I treated you better then this yankee treats you now"


Arkansas yelled now, Kansas looking sadly at his brother
The Confederate looked pissed, and he walked towards Texas

"They are probably healed by now, you guys are just overreacting"

The country grabbed the hem of the Texans shirt, lifting it up to look at the scars he made oh so long ago on the state's back
Texas quickly moved away and pulled his shirt down, looking horrified at Confederacy

"Don't touch me again"

The Texan mumbled shakily
The Confederate didn't respond to that, taking a glance at all his old states, and seeing the scars he made on them
He huffed, and looked at America

"Seems like you won this round, you son of a bitch, but it's not like I'll be gone for long. You will die eventually, and I'll finally be the one to rise up"

He spat at the country, venom clear in his voice as he walked away, back into the darkness
Nevada took a glance around the room, seeing a few states missing, specifically Utah, Tennessee, Colorado, and California
The state looked over at Montana, and Montana just mouthed "they melted, they are gone" to Nevada
Nevada just sighed, shifting a little in his seat
America handed Pennsylvania to Ohio, who just sat down again with the state
The Keystone state kept mumbling thank you's to Ohio, for helping him get out of the Confederate's grip, Ohio looked a bit awkward at the fact he was getting praised, but nonetheless, he hugged his brother state back and whispered "no problem"
America went and sat back down, and so did York and Jersey, Jersey hitting York for not letting him get at the confederacy
America looked around at his hurt states, and his mind immediately went to the thought that he failed all of them, and he started wishing that this was all some horrible dream
He just happened to wonder, where the hell are his states going anyway?


Russia groaned as four more states fell from out of nowhere, Wyoming getting sad at the fact America's stars were disappearing
To fill you in, right when the Confederate made his big entrance, Arizona, Michigan, and Virgina fell from out of nowhere, all of the states reuniting, but then going back to comforting America
They all noticed that the country had his face scrunched up a little, as if something bad had just happened, but they were only left to wonder and make theories
Well, until now
The four that fell weren't as cheerful as the others
They seemed more..traumatized

"What's up with you four?"

Kiwi asked, raising an eyebrow at them
Tennessee turned towards the six near the bed

"Confederacy, he is back, he came out of nowhere"

Virginia looked shocked, and so did the other 5
But Florida looked the most horrified, tears welling up in his eyes

"The rest have to deal with him then, while we are just..out here?"

Utah just nodded, and all of the states looked defeated
Canada was staring at the ground

"What are we gonna do about this?"

Australia mumble asked, and the there countries just shrugged

"We just have to hope America can get through this and not give up, otherwise, he will end up worse then mom"

Damn! Confederacy should learn to pick on someone his own size, smh
Hey never told us what that deal was! Maybe the southern states that are left can tell us later!!

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