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Everyone was in a panic mode, America felt worse then usual, as if death was making it's way up to his brain
How about let's do a small mix of things, yeah?
While this was all happening in America's head, Germany and Russia had noticed the two flowers had bloomed
They were a beautiful golden color, but like the other flower, only the sick were allowed to touch it, or else the flower would be wasted
Germany and Russia grabbed the flower and got in the russian's car, speeding to the hospital, hoping to get there in time
Canada and his brothers, along with their dad, were worried
They had all decided to put the states to bed before leaving, so no states should be arriving from out of nowhere anymore
Germany had texted Canada that him and Russia were on their way with a cure, and Canada told his brother's and dad, everyone was very ecstatic, waiting for the two to arrive
Everyone had there hopes up, when really, they shouldn't of
The only states that were left in America's head were New Jersey, Texas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, the rest had sadly disappeared
The 5 states left were clinging to the almost dead America as confederacy just laughed at them, towering over the weak 6

"Well, this is it, America, the time we have all been waiting for"

"You monster.."

Texas whimpered, trying to hide the worry in his voice, but that didn't really work, making the Confederate just chuckle even darker

"Monster? How am I the monster here, you weren't the one trapped in someone's head for DECADES with no way of escaping! I've waited oh so long for this to happen, and it is finally happening"

The states all shook their heads as they started to break, Missouri sobbed as he saw this
They all looked to see America's flag, 0 stars, looking like death had just decided to take his place, their 'father' had a dead stare towards the ground, his sunglasses were on the floor with a crack in them
Before the states could do anything or say goodbye, they crumpled to dust, the final states to appear in the real world
The place started to shake, and America couldn't even stand to look at himself starting to crack and break apart

"They will miss you, America, but I'll make sure they forget about you all together"

Those were the last words America heard before the two countries broke apart, one dying, and one coming to the real world

Germany and Russia had arrived at the hospital as this was happening
They all went into France's room first, since they were told she was about to die
UK grabbed her hand gently, and made it touch one of the golden flower's
At first, nothing happened, and everyone had lost hope, before they all heard a soft voice say

"What a beautiful flower"

Everyone snapped their heads to see France awake, smiling weakly as she looked at the flower
UK was the first one to approach her
Well not really approach, he hugged her tightly and showered her with gentle kisses, making the French woman laugh
She was already getting her color back, but it was coming back steadily
France turned towards her sons and smiled

"You all have grown so much"

She said, making Canada burst into tears as he hugged her, France hugging her son back gently
After the small reunion, everyone decided to leave UK and France be to catch up a little, UK wanting to explain everything that was happening at the moment to France
Germany was the first one to get to America's room, but when he opened the door, there was no America
There was, though, some dust on the bed, and a note..?
Ha, let's go back in time again!
Right when everyone walked into France's room, America broke apart, and it was confederacy's turn to appear out of nowhere
He looked around to see he was in a hospital
He looked around, no America around. He saw the dust on the dust on the bed and smirked, confirming to him the America was, in fact
He grabbed a piece of paper he had written long ago out of his pocket, it was like he was waiting for this moment to happen
He placed the note next to the dust on the bed
The Confederate chuckled as he jumped up to the window. Despite being 'just born again', he was pretty strong surprisingly, as if he had took in some of America's power or something
He jumped out the window and shut it, landing on the ground and running off into the night
Well, back to now
Germany walked over to the note and picked it up, only two words planted on the small piece of paper

'He's GONE'

Sorry for no more q&a's
If you have a question for me, just dm me and ask me, I'll answer!
Also, can we get an F in the chat for America ya'll-

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