Business or Pleasure?

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As my ship finished the jump. I arrived on a system that is home to certain planet that I am very well familiar with, Pangea. This planet is home to any and all walks of life, from the ones who walk on land, water, and even air. Since my ship is on autopilot I prepared everything that I will need while I'm there, the orb, my bag, and few tools.

"Approaching Pangea" C.H.R.I.S. informed me in his thick Australian voice.

"Notify the Pangean Space Monitor that we wish to land and stay for business" I ordered C.H.R.I.S.

"Will do sir."

I finalized all I need double checking everything especially the orb. I looked at my guns and realized that this is a safe planet, relatively speaking. I looked the cockpit. I grinned a little, and stood a little proud and relieved because I can see the planet's silhouette. I can hear C.H.R.I.S.' speakers recite the ships code and other necessary details that will allow us to land safely on Pangea. I walked to the cockpit and sat on the pilots chair. I looked over the on board computers and saw a text that says 'Approved for Landing'.

"We have been approved" C.H.R.I.S. informed me.

"Noted. Give me the controls C.H.R.I.S. I'll take it from here." I ordered the AI.

Pangea looks just like Earth but brighter. The view of the planet in space looks like it has three distinct areas. A bright area, a normal area, and a metallic dessert of some sorts. Let me explain a bit further the bright area is known as 'The Great Life'. It is basically the planets night life capital. Home to every casino games known throughout the cosmos. Here you can waste your entire retirement plan in just an evening and you'll get a hell of a time. Next is the normal area. Known as 'Planet Proper' lame name I know but this is where the business and the people flourish. This is where locals live and aliens goes to field trip in hopes of knowing the planet. All you can see are business buildings and apartment. And lastly the metallic dessert is what they call 'The Mines'. Creative, I know, well as the name suggest this is where some retrieve either gold or other stuff. The planet is rich on all sorts of minerals and metals. Mining just a square-feet would set you good for about 10 whole years. The only one that populate this area are miners, mining supervisors. And sometimes space scavengers.

The geographical tier system of the planet is amazing. To see from the outside yet if you ask me. It's like the planets' way of saying 'I know my inhabitants will segregate themselves so why not do it myself'. The division within the planet is only visible on its terrain. Because every citizen of this planet, local or alien, has been living peacefully. It has been this way ever since the planet was declared a safe haven for all walks of life. This planet has no civil unrest, no financial hierarchy. It's just a fun planet for everyone.

My ship entered the planet's breathable airspace. You can admire the lights of the tower buildings as well as the different hover cars and spaceship. I traveled to the Great Life not for fun but for business. I approached the docking bay, and carefully parked my ship.

"C.H.R.I.S. do me a favor and put the ship on lock" I asked the AI as I turned off the ship.

"Will do... Please don't come here drunk" C.H.R.I.S. replied

"I'll be back when I'm sober"

"Please enjoy your business sir."

"I always do."

I stepped outside and the doors automatically locked. Good thing is I arrived on the afternoon which makes the street less busy. It would make travelling cheaper so. Instead of renting a car or bike I opted to walk outside the dock and saw a line of taxi waiting, I got in one.

"Hello morning. where we headed?" The cab asked me.

"Morning, Gold Duck Bar. Make it cheap" I replied.

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