Unnecessary Origins Pt. 2

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I tried to touch the object, but I resisted yet it glows so hypnotic. I took a step back and wondered what could be inside, an advance camera drone or maybe it's just part of a space station. But my brain ventured onto a weird territory. It could carry an alien device containing DNA of aliens. An alien parasite sent to wipe us all out, or maybe it's a ship carrying a cute alien that crashed landed here on earth.

I touched the object then suddenly it revved and opened itself. The sudden opening threw me off balance and I fell inside the object, it closed itself. The inside was as big as a phone booth on the top and bottom has a circle. I panicked banging on the doors shouting to anyone that can hear me to open me up. I punched and kicked hoping to make it budge but to no avail. After a few minutes I gave it a rest so I could catch my breath. Suddenly everything inside lit up, the top and bottom circle shined a vomit green light. The lights gets brighter and brighter.

The light pulsed, it wasn't an ordinary light. It was a painful light that burned through my skin on contact. The pain was unbearable, it burns and almost disintegrating me. Through the pain I thought of everything I did with my life, I'm pretty sure my life flashed before me. Is this really the end for me? Well I cried, closed my eyes, and accepted this death that could've been avoided if only I turned back and ran. Within seconds I swear I could've been disinterested.

But that that wasn't the case. Because a soon as I got 'disintegrated' I landed on a room. It looks like the phone booth-disintegration thingy. I was confused to see myself whole again. But that was overshadowed by another confusion of seeing people of weird colors. And I'm not talking about some racial thing. I'm talking about tangerine color among other spectrum of color people. Some have weird facial and body structure, from tall to lean and even one with four literal eyes.

They saw me and was confused. I ran away from them hoping that they run slower than me, I look back to check if they're following me. I continued running and all I see is the same corridor. It feels like I'm in a horror movie with my heart pounding and mind racing. I was getting tired of running when I saw a glass. I was thinking that it might be a window or a mirror yet I still approached it and I was shocked with what I saw.

I was looking through a window of a spaceship parked in some sort of space colony. For a moment my shock was replaced with awe. It looked a like a pine cone with different types of spaceship around it. The lights of every parked ship gives off a feeling that I'm looking at a christmas tree. I saw two blurs that does not belong in the space colony. I refocused my eyes to see my reflection and saw two aliens behind me, one of them pricked me with something. I my body froze for awhile.

"You need to find a perfect opportunity to be overwhelmed with what they see. Then you can stab them where they stand" The one that pricked me told his partner.

"Humans are just like antelopes then?" His partner asked.


They began a conversation yet my vision became blurry and I might have passed out. Because I woke up in another room. This is a cell, I think to myself, as I saw a giant glass wall that shows only the hallway. I can say that nobody passes within these halls. Only few people watch these walls as evident of the camera placed in the ceiling directly across my cell.

On the monitor room there were three people watching me in my cell, the two aliens from earlier and a human- I think. All of them were trying to figure out what to do with me.

"Boss I think we should've killed him" the alien partner told the humanoid.

"We don't know how he got in our ship, we don't know where he's from and you propose to kill him?" The humanoid told them.

"Well scanned him and it appears he's from earth" The one that pricked me informed everyone.

"Earth? But no species is allowed to enter Earth, tell me the truth" The Humanoid asked.

Space Shift Stories: McGuffin 45حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن