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We walked to where we parked the Swift, two engineers walked out and approached Celestine.

"Everything good?" Celestine asked them. 

"So far yes, we replaced some torn down parts that we have in the inventory. As for the engine, I haven't seen one of those... Probably black market" One of the engineer replied. 

"Anything else that you've added?" 

"We couldn't change the computers in the 20 minute time frame. We also changed the captain's chair into what you would like" 

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice.

"Ignore him" Celestine told them, and the engineers walked out.

"It's my ship" I complained to her. 

"Is it really?"

We saw Luther walked in to join us. 

"I have prepared everything I need for this mission, I assume you have the same as well?"  We nodded yes. "Very well. Lets start the team briefing?" He walked in the ship.

The ship was a little bit organized which amazed me. It looked the same as it was before but I could feel something is different.

"Mind if I interface with the nav system?" Luther asked me. 

"Sure" I replied. He walked to the table and put his palm in the screen. 

"I could get used to this new chair" Celestine told me.

"Get down there." I demanded her.  She ingored me. 

"All right guys lets talk shop." Celestine told us.

"I have the coordinates, terrain, and tools needed to have a success rate of 97.5%" Luther said.

"What about the 3%?" I asked. 

"That is the allotted error margin" Luther replied.

"Which means we have a high chance of winning this. So stick to the rules" Celestine looked at me. We moved closer to Luther. 

"I will do it professionally"  

"Good, Luther explain the best way to do this. And do me a favor dumb it down for someone here" Celestine requested Luther.

"We are tasked to retrieve items 3 & 4, they're on two different planet Bliteum, the forest planet and Illuvies, the snow planet. I already requested the engineering to add necessary climate clothing to respective plants we'll visit. I have transferred the photos of the items and where to find them on your holowatch. Celestine and I will retrieve all the items, Rover will be our getaway pilot and back up in case of emergencies"

"You mean I won't get out of the ship?" I asked Luther. 

"You will secure perimeter and ensure we have a quick extraction. Basically, all you have to do is make sure the engine is running."

"So you'll be the bodyguard?" 

"Mostly. I have built-in self defense and protective programming to help my self and others" 

"Okay. Everyone is good then?" I asked everyone. 

They all agreed. We moved to the cockpit, Celestine positioned herself on the captain's chair while me and Luther on the pilot.

"Alright, prep for take off" Celestine ordered as she sat on the chair. 

"Inputting coordinate" Luther announced.

"Initiating lift" I announced while making the Swift move vertically.

I maneuvered the ship to leave the carrier. I moved it a few miles away. I scanned the area to find a warp point and went close to it. 

Space Shift Stories: McGuffin 45Where stories live. Discover now